Election of Chairperson

Public Accounts (SCOPA)

10 July 2024
Chairperson: Mr S Zibi (Rise Mzansi)
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Meeting Summary

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) elected Mr S Zibi (Rise Mzansi) as Chairperson.

The EFF objected to the nomination and election of the Chairperson on the basis that the convention is for SCOPA to be Chaired by a member of the opposition. As a result of the Government of National Unity (GNU), Rise Mzansi was not considered an opposition party because it was part of the Government.

Meeting report

Opening Remarks
The Committee Secretary welcomed members to the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to elect a Chairperson in terms of the National Assembly Rules. She called for nominations for the position of Chairperson.

Election of the Chairperson
Ms L Makhubela (ANC) nominated Mr S Zibi (Rise Mzansi).

Mr P Atkinson (DA) seconded the nomination.

Mr Zibi accepted the nomination.

No other nominations were received.

Ms N Mente-Nkuna (EFF) indicated that the EFF objected to the nomination.

The objection was noted.

Mr Zibi was elected as Chairperson of the Committee.

Chairperson’s Remarks
The Chairperson thanked the members for their support and looked forward to working with all of them. He did not take this responsibility lightly. The South African people expected the Committee to ensure that Parliament's work was done effectively. While he was the Chairperson, he was also a servant to the public.

Following consultation with the Secretariat, he indicated that the next meeting would take place the following week.

The members congratulated the Chairperson on his election.

Mr A Trollip (Action SA) asked when the time of the meeting had been changed from 14:15 to 14:00.

The Chairperson said he was unsure and asked the Committee Secretary to address this question.

The Committee Secretary said that the meeting time had been changed to 14:00, but it had only started at 14:15 as the previous committee was still using the venue. She had sent SMS notifications of the changed time to members.

Mr Atkinson said that the Committee had an integral role in overseeing corruption and ensuring that citizens' tax money was spent properly. He wished the Chairperson well.

Mr C Dugmore (ANC) said that the Committee Secretary had responded to Mr Trollip and suggested that the member ensure that he was on time next time.

Mr Trollip said that at this stage, the planning of committee meetings was chaotic, with multiple committees meeting throughout the day. He had been in committee meetings all day. He felt that SMSs were archaic and not an efficient means of communication. He did not read SMSs. All other Committees communicated via email or WhatsApp. He had found the SMS but had not previously seen it, which is why he had been late. He had also gone to the incorrect venue. When Mr Maimane left the meeting, he had said the meeting began at 14:00.

The Chairperson noted Mr Trollip’s comments. He will work with the support staff to ensure that all notices are sent promptly via email or WhatsApp. He will also request that the Committee Secretary ensure that all members receive and acknowledge the notifications.

Ms Mente-Nkuna reiterated the EFF’s objection and rejection of the election of the Chairperson. She clarified that it was not an objection against the Chairperson, but the principle. The convention of Parliament has been that a member of the opposition must Chair SCOPA. Given the decision to govern through a Government of National Unity (GNU), which Rise Mzansi (the Chairperson’s party) was a part of, the EFF did not consider the party as opposition. Rise Mzansi, as part of the GNU, was considered to be a part of the Government. On this basis, the EFF did not agree that the Chairperson should have been elected. As a majority in the Committee, the GNU has taken the decision. She was hopeful that this did not impact the functioning of the Committee. The mandate of SCOPA should not be last on the basis of the GNU.

The Chairperson noted Ms Mente-Nkuna’s comments. He assured her that his loyalty was to the Committee's mandate, which was his expectation of all committee members.

The meeting was adjourned.


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