Election of Chairperson & DSTI APP briefing, Minister & Deputy Minister present (Postponed)

Science, Technology and Innovation

10 July 2024
Chairperson: Ms Shanaaz Isaacs (Committee Secretary)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee was supposed to elect its Chairperson. Thereafter, there was meant to be a briefing and engagement on the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation’s 2024/25 Annual Performance Plan and proposed budget. The Minister and Deputy Minister were in attendance.

The Committee could not elect a Chairperson after the proposed candidate declined the nomination.

A break was requested for consultation. When no consensus was reached, some members requested a postponement. Other committee members opposed this delay, citing the costs incurred and the fact that the delegation was ready to make its presentation.

The Committee Secretary, who was chairing the session, maintained that she was not in a position to chair the meeting, and the matters were beyond her mandate. She is just meant to oversee the election process and is standing in for the Secretary of Parliament.

The meeting was eventually adjourned for proper consultation.

Meeting report

Ms Shanaaz Isaacs (Committee Secretary) welcomed the Minister, Members, and guests. She indicated that the first agenda item was the election of the Committee Chairperson. She explained that NA Rules 158 and 160 make accommodations for the Committee Secretary to facilitate the process of the election of the Committee Chairperson.

She noted that all members were present as published in the ATC. The Committee was quorate.

Members would elect a chair from amongst themselves.

She called for nominations.

Ms A Hlongo (ANC) nominated Mr.S Zondo (IFP).

Dr W Boshoff (FF+) seconded the nomination.

Mr Zondo declined the nomination.

Ms Hlongo then requested a 15-minute break so that Committee members could consult.

[This request was granted].

When the Committee restarted, the Committee Secretary said she was informed that there was a consensus amongst the parties that today’s proceedings be deferred to a later date.

Mr V Pambo (EFF) corrected the presiding officer and said that he, as a member of the Committee, was never consulted about any adjournment, and, therefore, it is not true that there is a consensus. He wondered whether the uMkhonto weSizwe Party was consulted. He pointed out that members of the Government of National Unity, after requesting a break to consult, could not agree. They came to the meeting unprepared and now want to delay matters. He asked if this is how the Committee would function from now on and if everything must stop every time the GNU members do not agree. How would they hold the executive to account if they operate in this fashion? Time was set aside to have this meeting.

He wanted to make sure that it is on record that there is no consensus and that the EFF does not agree with the postponement. Mr Pambo further suggested that because the meeting has an agenda and a delegation from DSTI is ready to make its presentation, the meeting should continue.

Ms Isaacs said she is not in a position to chair the meeting, and the matters are beyond her mandate. She is just meant to oversee the election process and is standing in for the Secretary of Parliament. She requested an adjournment until there was proper consultation.

Dr Boshoff suggested that the committee elect a chairperson specifically for this meeting. He pointed out that the Pretoria delegation is ready with its presentation and that the meeting must continue to avoid wasting taxpayers’ money.

The Committee Secretary asked Members to comment on the proposal.

Mr B Madikizela (DA) supported the idea of continuing with the meeting and pointed out that the reasons for postponement (the disagreement on the election of the chairperson) could be resolved later.

Mr S Dlamini (MK) disagreed with the idea of electing a chairperson for one meeting, as the whole purpose of this meeting was to elect a chairperson for the next five years.

Mr L Mkutu (ANC) said that the Committee Secretary is not the chair and, therefore, cannot continue the meeting. Her responsibility is to oversee the election of a chairperson.

Mr Pambo raised a point of order. The Committee first heard about the suggested postponement relayed by the Committee Secretary.  He pointed out that the secretary is not a committee member and, in fact, no committee member stood up in the meeting and proposed an adjournment. He asked who informed the secretary. In essence, he argued that in the absence of any member of the committee putting a face to that postponement proposal, it is as if it was never made. He insisted that the secretary is qualified and obligated to continue chairing the meeting as long as no Chairperson has been elected. He restated that the EFF rejected the postponement not only because of the wasteful spending it would cause but also the time invested by the Committee staff and committee members in preparing for the meeting.

A Member proposed that the meeting be adjourned.

This proposal was seconded.

Mr Pambo accused the Minister, a member of the Executive, of caucusing with members of the GNU in the Committee about the election of the Chairperson. He wondered how they, as a committee, could hold the Executive to account under such circumstances.

Minister Balde Nzimande, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, denied that he caucused with committee members and wanted to state on record that he was informed of the decision to postpone at the door after the discussion during the break.

The meeting was adjourned.


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