Election of Chairperson

Water and Sanitation

09 July 2024
Chairperson: Mr L Basson (DA)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee elected Mr L Basson (DA) as Chairperson.

The Department was supposed to present its Annual Performance Plan; however, this was deferred, because the Minister was unavailable and there had been a scheduling mix-up. 

The Committee agreed that the Legacy Report would be presented in upcoming meetings.

Meeting report

Ms Nosipho Bavuma, the Committee Secretary, opened the meeting and introduced her team, which included Mr Thomani Manugufala, the Committee Specialist Researcher. The Committee requested that the register be marked.

The Members present were:

  • Mr M Dlelanga (ANC)
  • Ms S Mosikatsi (ANC)
  • Mr K Ramaila (ANC)
  • Mr L Basson (DA)
  • Mr S Moore (DA)
  • Ms M Kobe (Action SA)
  • Ms N Webster (BOSA)
  • Mr S Zungu (MK)
  • Mr T Mjadu (MK)
  • Ms R Mohlala (EFF)
  • Mr S Mahlangu (ANC) (Alternate)

The Committee Secretary stated that the purpose of the meeting was to elect a Committee chairperson from among the members.  

Mr S Moore (DA) nominated Mr L Basson (DA) to be the Chairperson.

The Committee Secretary asked for a seconder for Mr Moore's nomination, but there was no response.

Mr Dlelanga inquired if a quorum had been formed, and the Committee Secretariat confirmed that it had.

The Committee Secretary asked if any Members wished to second Mr Moore's nomination.

A Member from the uMkhonto Wesizwe Party requested a five-minute caucus outside, which was granted.

After a brief break, the Committee reconvened, and Mr S Moore reiterated his nomination of Mr Basson, which was seconded by Mr M Dlelanga (ANC) and Ms S Mosikatsi (ANC).

Mr Basson was elected as Chairperson.

Following his election, the Chairperson expressed his gratitude and asked the Members to reintroduce themselves. He also mentioned that he wished for the Department to present its Annual Performance Plan (APP). He asked Mr Manugufala to explain the procedure.

Mr Manugufala explained that the Committee would receive a briefing from the Department about the APP. The Committee Support team needed 30 minutes to prepare the Department and the presentations.

Ms Mohlala suggested that the Committee should firstly be briefed on the Legacy Report to inform new Members about the Committee's previous work.

The Chairperson agreed that the Legacy Report would be presented in upcoming meetings.

However, the Minister and the Department did not enter. The Committee displayed the Legacy Report but eventually postponed the meeting because the Department could not present its part.

The Chairperson apologised for the delay, explaining that the Minister was unavailable and that there had been a scheduling mix-up. The meeting would take place on Thursday morning instead, and details would be shared on their WhatsApp group. He advised Members to check their WhatsApp groups for the presentation beforehand to prepare for the Department's presentation on Thursday morning.

The meeting was adjourned.





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