Election of Chairperson

Finance (WCPP)

05 July 2024
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Meeting Summary


The Committee met for its first meeting to nominate the Chairperson. Mr P Johnson (DA) was elected unopposed.

Meeting report

The Procedural Officer opened the meeting and welcomed Members to their first Committee meeting. Members were asked to introduce themselves for the record.

Election of Chairperson

The Procedural Officer said that in terms of the Standing Rules of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, Members have to nominate a Chairperson from their Members. She called for nominations.

Mr N Masipa (DA) nominated Mr P Johnson (DA).

Mr D Wessels (DA) seconded the nomination.

There were no further nominations and Mr Johnson was elected Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Finance.

Mr Johnson thanked Members for the nomination and putting their faith in him. He looked forward to working with all Members. they would be in contact regarding the Committee programme.

The meeting was adjourned.





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