Election of Chairperson

Infrastructure (WCPP)

05 July 2024
Chairperson: Mr D Wessels (DA)
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Meeting Summary


The first meeting of the Standing Committee on Infrastructure was called to elect a Chairperson. Mr Dirk Wessels was elected as Chairperson unopposed. Mr Wessels, as the new Chairperson, expressed gratitude, discussed the infrastructure challenges, and proceeded to adopt the meeting minutes. The meeting concluded with the Chairperson looking forward to collaborative work with the Committee Members.

Meeting report

Ms Shumeeze Jones, Procedural Officer, welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Standing Committee on Infrastructure. She noted that they had a quorum and considered whether to wait for other Members who had not yet logged on or to proceed.

Given the limited time allocated, Mr D Bryant (DA) expressed his concern about waiting given that Members had other meetings to attend.

Ms Jones agreed and decided to continue with the meeting. She introduced herself as the Procedural Officer for the Committee, accompanied by the Senior Procedural Officer and the Committee Assistant. She then invited the Members to introduce themselves.

Mr D Wessels introduced himself as Dirk Wessels, looking forward to meeting everyone in person.

Ms P Lekker (ANC) and Mr B Petrus (PA) introduced themselves.

Mr T Walters (DA) introduced himself as Mr Thomas Walters, representing the DA.

Mr D Bryant (DA) introduced himself as Mr David Bryant, also representing the DA.

Ms B van Minnen (DA) introduced herself as an alternate Member of the Committee.

Mr P Johnson (DA) introduced himself as Mr Peter Johnson, representing the DA and a Member of the Committee.

Ms W Kaizer-Philander (DA) introduced herself as Ms Wendy Kaizer-Philander.

Dr N Mbombo (DA) introduced herself.

Mr K Sayed (ANC) introduced himself as Mr Khalid Sayed, an alternate Member of the Committee.

Mr F Kamfer (ANC) introduced himself as Mr Francois Kamfer, representing the ANC.

Ms Jones thanked the Members and announced that they would proceed with the election of the Chairperson in accordance with Standing Rule 82(1). She invited Mr Bryant to speak.

Mr Bryant nominated Mr Dirk Wessels for the position of Chairperson.

Dr Mbombo seconded the nomination.

Ms Jones confirmed there were no further nominations and congratulated Mr Wessels on being elected as the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Infrastructure. She handed over the meeting to him.

The Chairperson thanked Ms Jones and expressed his gratitude to the Members. He acknowledged the challenges in infrastructure nationally and looked forward to working with the team to make a difference in the Western Cape. He then requested Ms Jones to display the minutes of the meeting for adoption.

Adoption of Committee Minutes

Minutes dated 05 July 2024

Ms Jones displayed the minutes, which showed the Members present and the agenda points, including the election of the Chairperson proposed by Mr Bryant and seconded by Dr Mbombo.

Mr Bryant proposed the adoption of the minutes.

Dr Mbombo seconded the adoption.

The Chairperson thanked the Members and adjourned the meeting, expressing her anticipation of working with everyone.

The meeting was adjourned.


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