Election of Chairperson

Meeting Summary


The Committee met for its first meeting to nominate a Chairperson. Mr Dave Bryant (DA) was elected unopposed as Chairperson.

Meeting report

The Procedural Officer opened the first meeting of the Committee for the Seventh Parliament. He said that in accordance with the Standing Rules of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, the Committee needed to elect a Chairperson from the Members. Members were asked to introduce themselves.

The Procedural Officer called for nominations.

Mr N Masipa (DA) nominated Mr D Bryant (DA) as Chairperson.

Mr P Johnson (DA) seconded the nomination.

Mr Bryant accepted the nomination.

Mr Bryant said it was a great honour and privilege to be nominated Chairperson for this very important Committee. He looked forward to working with everyone across all parties to achieve results. He would stay in touch regarding the Committee programme.

The meeting was adjourned.


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