Election of Chairperson

Health and Wellness (WCPP)

04 July 2024
Chairperson: Mr M Booysen (DA)
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Meeting Summary


At the first meeting of the Standing Committee on Health and Wellness, the Procedural Officer, introduced herself and invited the Members to introduce themselves. Following the introductions, it was explained the purpose of the meeting was to elect a chairperson in accordance with Standing Rule 82(1) of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament.

Mr L van Wyk (DA) nominated Mr Memory Booysen (DA) for the position, and Mr T Walters (DA) seconded the nomination. With no further nominations, Ms Jamce declared Mr Booysen the elected Chairperson.

The newly elected Chairperson expressed his gratitude, and commitment to working together, and mentioned future communication after engagements with the procedural officer.

Meeting report

Ms Nomonde Jamce, Procedural Officer for the Standing Committee on Health and Wellness, welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Standing Committee on Health. She introduced herself and then invited the Members to introduce themselves. 

Mr M Booysen (DA) introduced himself, stating that he represented the Democratic Alliance on this Committee. 

Ms D Stephens (PA) introduced herself, stating that she represented the Patriotic Alliance. 

Ms B van Minnen (DA) introduced herself, stating that she represented the Democratic Alliance. 

Mr D Bryant (DA) introduced himself, stating that he represented the Democratic Alliance. 

Mr L van Wyk (DA) introduced himself, stating that he represented the Democratic Alliance. 

Mr T Walters (DA) introduced himself, stating that he represented the Democratic Alliance. 

Ms R Windvogel (ANC) introduced herself, stating that she represented the African National Congress. 

Mr N Masipa (DA) introduced himself, stating that he represented the Democratic Alliance. 

Mr B Ngqentsu (ANC) introduced himself, stating that he represented the African National Congress. 

Ms A Bans (ANC) introduced herself, stating that she represented the African National Congress. 

Ms W Kaizer-Philander (DA) introduced herself, stating that she represented the Democratic Alliance and was visiting the Committee. 

Mr P Johnson (DA) introduced himself, stating that he represented the DA and was an Alternate Member of the Committee. 

Mr G Bosman (DA) introduced himself. 

Mr D Jacobs (NCC) introduced himself, stating that he represented the National Coloured Congress. 

Ms Jamce informed the Members that the purpose of the meeting was to elect the Chairperson as per Standing Rule 82(1) of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament. She then called for nominations for the position of Chairperson for the Standing Committee on Health and Wellness. 

Mr van Wyk nominated Mr Memory Booysen as the Chairperson of the Health and Wellness Standing Committee. 

Mr T Walters (DA) seconded the nomination. 

With no further nominations, Ms Jamce declared Member Memory Booysen as the elected Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Health and Wellness. 

The Chairperson thanked his colleagues for entrusting him with the task of chairing the Committee. He expressed his commitment to working together and mentioned that he would communicate the way forward after engagements with the procedural officer. He then adjourned the meeting. 

The meeting was adjourned.


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