Western Cape Appropriation Bill: adoption; Committee Quarterly Reports

Budget Committee (WCPP)

25 March 2024
Chairperson: Ms D Baartman (DA)
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Meeting Summary


The Budget Committee met virtually to consider the reports of the Standing Committees of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament (WCPP) on the various budget votes in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024]. The Committees all supported the various budget votes with minority views expressed.

The Committee then considered the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024] in its entirety – the Bill was supported, noting the minority views of the ANC and Al Jama-ah to not support the Bill.

The Committee then dealt with internal business, considering and adopting minutes, Committee quarterly reports and the annual activities report of the Committee for 2023.

Meeting report

The Chairperson opened the meeting and Members introduced themselves.

Report of the Standing Committee on the Premier and Constitutional Matters on Vote 1: Premier in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Vote 2: Provincial Parliament in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism on Vote 3: Provincial Treasury in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC and Al Jama-ah, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Police Oversight and Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport on Vote 4: Police Oversight and Community Safety in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Education on Vote 5: Education in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Health on Vote 6: Health and Wellness in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Social Development on Vote 7: Social Development in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC and the EFF, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Transport and Public Works on Vote 8: Mobility in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning on Vote 9: Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Human Settlements on Vote 10: Infrastructure in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning on Vote 11: Agriculture in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism on Vote 12: Department of Economic Development and Tourism in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC and Al Jama-ah, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport on Vote 13: Cultural Affairs and Sport in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC and EFF, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Report of the Standing Committee on Vote 14: Local Government in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024], dated 12 March 2024

The Committee supported the vote with the exception of the ANC, which in accordance with Standing Rule 90, expressed its minority view not to support the vote.

Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2024]

Al Jama-ah did not support the Bill.

Ms C Murray (DA) supported the Bill.

Ms N Nkondlo (ANC) did not support the Bill.

Mr D America (DA) supported the Bill.

For the record, the Chairperson said she supported the Bill.

Committee Report

The Budget Committee reports that it has concluded its deliberations on the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B 1–2024], referred to it in terms of Standing Rule 188.   Having considered the various Standing Committee Reports on the Votes in the Schedule to the Bill, the Committee reports that it supports the Bill. In accordance with Standing Rule 90, the African National Congress and Al-Jama-ah expressed their minority view to not support the Bill.

Ms Murray moved to adopt the report.

Mr America seconded the adoption of the report.

The report was adopted and would be referred to the House for consideration.

Committee matters

Minutes dated 7 March 2024

Mr America asked that his tendered apology be reflected in the minutes.

Ms Murray moved to adopt the minutes and the Chairperson seconded.

The minutes were adopted.

Committee quarterly report July – September 2023

Members went through the report page by page.

Mr America moved to adopt the report.

Ms Murray seconded the motion.

Committee quarterly report October – December 2023

Members went through the report page by page.

Mr America moved to adopt the report.

Ms Murray seconded the motion.

Annual Committee Report of the Budget Committee for the 2023/24 Financial Year

Members went through the report page-by-page.

The Chairperson said she was proud of the Committee’s engagements over this time and for making the budget fun again.

Ms Murray moved to adopt the report.

Mr America seconded the adoption of the report.

Ms Nkondlo tried to speak but she was inaudible.

Regarding the Money Bills, the Chairperson said the technical committee would give Members feedback at the next meeting. The emphasis was on alignment, finding a compromise and having a Bill that speaks to the financial provisions required for the principles the Committee previously agreed to in the respective workshops. The Committee still had some time as it was still dealing with the Division of Revenue (DORA) Bill.

The Chairperson thanked all present in the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.


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