Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill: adoption

Budget Committee (WCPP)

01 December 2023
Chairperson: Ms D Baartman (DA)
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Meeting Summary


In its last meeting for the year, the Committee convened to consider and adopt the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B7 -2023]. The Committee reviewed 14 Budget Votes for compliance, expressing support or minority views accordingly. All Votes were passed in the schedule to the Bill.

The Bill was supported, with the ANC and Al Jama-ah expressing their minority views.

The Committee also considered and adopted its report, noting its support for the Bill.

Meeting report

The Chairperson welcomed the Committee and outlined the purpose of the meeting, which was to deal with the consideration and adoption of the draft committee report on the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B7-2023], along with one set of committee minutes, followed by resolutions and actions.

She explained that the Committee would check 14 Votes for compliance, ensuring correctness. Afterwards, they would deal with the consideration and adoption of the Adjustments Appropriation Bill.

She expressed her excitement about the presence of all Members in the meeting.

Committee Reports: Consideration and Adoption
Vote 1: Report of the Standing Committee on the Premier and Constitutional Matters: Premier
The Committee, following Standing Rule 188, supports the Vote. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Mr C Fry (DA).

Vote 2: Report of the Parliamentary Oversight Committee: Provincial Parliament
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Ms W Kaizer-Philander (DA).

Vote 3: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism: Provincial Treasury
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC and Al Jama-ah expressed their minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Ms C Murray (DA).

Vote 4: Report of the Standing Committee on Police Oversight, Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Mr G Bosman (DA).

Vote 5: Report of the Standing Committee on Education
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Ms D Baartman (DA).

Vote 6: Report of the Standing Committee on Health and Wellness
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Mr G Pretorius (DA).

Vote 7: Report of the Standing Committee on Social Development
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. The ANC, and the EFF, in terms of Standing Rule 90, expressed their minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Mr D Plato (DA).

Vote 8: Report of the Standing Committee on Mobility
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Mr D America (DA).

Vote 9: Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Mr A Van der Westhuizen (DA).

Vote 10: Report of the Standing Committee on Infrastructure
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Ms M Maseko (DA).

Vote 11: Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning: Agriculture
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Mr Van der Westhuizen.

Vote 12: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism: Economic Development and Tourism
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC and Al Jama-ah expressed their minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Ms Murray.

Vote 13: Report of the Standing Committee on Police Oversight, Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport: Cultural Affairs and Sport
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Mr Bosman.

Vote 14: Report of the Standing Committee on Local Government
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote referred to in terms of Standing Rule 188. In terms of Standing Rule 90, the ANC expressed its minority view not to support the Vote, signed by Chairperson Mr I Sileku (DA).

The Chairperson explained that those 14 votes were compliant and scheduled in the Bill. She requested that Members of the Committee consider the entire Bill.

Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill 2023
Support for the Bill was moved by Mr America and seconded by Ms Murray.

Mr L Mvimbi (ANC) said that the ANC would like to express its minority view in accordance with Standing Rule 90 not to support the Bill.

Mr G Brinkhuis (Al Jama-ah) said that Al Jama-ah would also like to express its minority view in accordance with the Standing Rule 90 in not supporting the Bill.

The Chairperson noted Mr Mvimbi’s and Mr Brinkhuis’s responses and said that she supports the Bill, for recorded purposes.

Report of the Budget Committee on the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B7-2023] dated 1 December 2023
The Chairperson read through the report, which noted that the Committee concluded its deliberation on the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B7 -2023] and supported the Bill. In accordance with Standing Rule 90, the ANC and Al Jama-ah expressed their minority views not to support the Bill.

Mr America moved to adopt the report and Ms Murray and Mr Brinkhuis seconded.

Committee minutes

Minutes dated 28 November 2023

The adoption of the minutes was moved by Mr America and seconded by Mr Mvimbi.

The Chairperson thanked and praised all the Members of the Committee for their work. She believed they had done an "absolutely great job making finance fun again" with more Members and people attending their meetings. She wished them well for the festive season.

The meeting was adjourned.


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