Division of Revenue Amendment Bill: finalisation and adoption
Meeting Summary
In a virtual meeting, the Standing Committee on Appropriations considered and adopted its report on the 2023 Division of Revenue Amendment Bill. In the process, a minor spelling error was corrected, and clarification was provided for the underlining of certain sections. The EFF recorded its objection to the Bill, and the DA reserved its rights.
The Committee also adopted the minutes of two of its recent meetings, and expressed its congratulations to the Auditor-General, Ms Tsakani Maluleke, on her appointment as an external auditor for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
Meeting report
Report of the Standing Committee on Appropriations on the Division of Revenue Amendment Bill [B33 – 2023]
The Chairperson said the Committee would be going through the Committee Report on the Division of Revenue Amendment (DORA) Bill. The draft report had been sent to the Committee for consideration, and comments had been sent back. Those comments were included in the report. The Committee would go through the report page-by-page before adopting it. The Chairperson took the Committee through the report.
On page 22, the Chairperson said the word “Early,” in Early Learning Programme, should be corrected as it was spelt "Eearly."
On page 24, the Chairperson asked why the section was underlined.
Mr Darrin Arends, Committee Secretary, explained it was an addition. When he distributed the report yesterday, he had said Members should give their inputs, which would be underlined when the final report was distributed with the link. That was why the section was underlined. It referred to the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG).
The Chairperson clarified that it was not in the draft report sent to the Committee.
On page 26, the Chairperson asked if 3.5 and 10.6 were underlined for the same reason.
Mr Arends said that was correct.
Adoption of draft report
The Chairperson asked for a mover for the adoption of the draft report on the Division of Revenue Amendment Bill.
Mr A Shaik Emam (NFP) moved the adoption of the report.
Mr H Mmemezi (ANC) seconded.
The Chairperson asked if there were any differing views on the report.
Ms N Ntlangwini (EFF) asked the Chairperson to note the EFF’s objection to the draft report.
Mr E Marais (DA) said the DA reserved its right to vote on the draft report.
The draft report was adopted. Read here https://pmg.org.za/tabled-committee-report/5562/
Adoption of minutes
The Chairperson asked for a mover for the adoption of the minutes of 14 November.
Mr X Qayiso (ANC) moved the adoption of the minutes.
Mr Shaik Emam seconded.
The minutes were adopted.
The Chairperson asked for a mover for the adoption of the minutes of 15 November.
Mr Mmemezi moved their adoption.
Mr X Qayiso seconded.
The minutes were adopted.
Closing remarks
Mr Arends reminded Members that the next meeting was on Friday, when the Committee would receive a briefing from the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) on the 2023 Adjustment Appropriations Bill.
The Chairperson announced that Ms Tsakani Maluleke, the Auditor-General, had been appointed an external auditor for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). He thought this was a good recognition of her and the country. The Committee would be issuing a statement congratulating her -- it was something to be celebrated.
Mr Shaik Emam agreed Ms Maluleke was doing a fantastic job as Auditor-General, but was concerned that this appointment might impact her work.
The Chairperson said he was sure this was considered before people were appointed. The Committee hoped it would not affect her commitment and work in the country.
He thanked the Committee for considering the report and its engagement with the different stakeholders when the report was being dealt with. He also thanked the support staff for their hard work.
The meeting was adjourned.
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Buthelezi, Mr S N Chairperson
Marais, Mr EJ
DA -
Mathafa, Mr OM
Mlenzana, Mr Z
Mmemezi, Mr HM
Ntlangwini, Ms EN
Qayiso, Mr XS
Shaik Emam, Mr AM
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