Chairperson Election

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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report


4 August 2004

Chairperson: Mr B Tolo (ANC)

Documents handed out

The Committee unanimously elected Mr B Tolo unopposed to be their Chairperson. The Sports Commission which had been expected to brief the Committee about their preparations for the Olympics, could not attend as they had already left for Athens.

The newly elected Chair apologised that the Committee Report on their visit to KwaZulu-Natal had not been made available. He also regretted he would not be available for the Women in Science Awards in Sandton, Johannesburg, and suggested that another Member attend. He announced there would be a Committee visit to Mpumalanga on 30 August with the Portfolio Committee on Social Services.

Members were asked for nominations for Chairperson. Ms J Vilakazi (ANC) nominated Mr Tolo and this was seconded by Ms M Magubane (ANC). There were no other nominations and Mr Tolo was thus appointed as Chairperson.

Mr Tolo thanked Members. He then apologised that the KwaZulu-Natal Report was not available and was not sure why Members had not been able to receive it. He would follow up to see that organisation ran more smoothly in future. He felt that most of the Committee were new and needed more information on policies of the Department. He urged Members to attend a workshop on 10th and 11 August, with the Departments of Education, and Science and Technology. The Departments would inform them on all laws passed.

Arrangements had been finalised to visit Mpumalanga on 30 August. The tour would be a joint exercise with the Portfolio Committee on Social Services.

He would check with Parliament if another Member could represent the Committee at the Women in Science Awards in Sandton, Johannesburg, as he would not be available. If there was nobody to attend, he would just send an apology.

The meeting was adjourned


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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