Economic Regulation of Transport Bill: Department response to public submissions

NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency

06 September 2023
Chairperson: Mr M Mmoiemang (ANC, Northern Cape)
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Meeting Summary


In a virtual meeting, the Select Committee received the Department of Transport (DoT) responses to the public submissions on the Economic Regulation of Transport Bill [B1B-20]. Submissions included those from institutions such as Uber, Bolt SA, Gautrain Management Agency, Transnet, Sakeliga. The briefing on the ERT Bill's submissions was long and the Committee agreed to hold off questions and the DoT responses to the submissions on the National Road Traffic A/B and National Land Transport A/B until the next meeting.

Meeting report

Opening remarks
The Chairperson informed the Committee that it will be receiving the DoT response to the public submissions on three Sections 76 Bills: Economic Regulation of Transport Bill [B1B-20], National Road Traffic A/B [B7B-2020] and the National Land Transport A/B [B7F-2016].

Ms Thandiwe Mpondo, DoT Parliamentary Liaison Officer, informed the Committee the names of the officials  who would be presenting the response to each Bill.

The Chairperson noted that there would be a Joint Standing Committee on Ethics meeting at 12h00 and several members including Ms Moshodi and Mr Rayi would need to attend that meeting.

Department of Transport response to public submissions on Economic Regulation of Transport Bill
Mr Allen Chikambvi from the DoT took the Committee through the detailed public comments and the DoT responses on the Economic Regulation of Transport Bill page by page.

Some time later, the Chairperson stated that the DoT has gone over the time limit for the presentation.

Mr M Dangor (ANC, Gauteng) noted that there is another meeting at 12h00 and that the DoT responses have taken some time. He requested that the Committee questions on this Bill DoT responses to the National Road Traffic A/B and National Land Transport A/B be dealt with another time.

The Chairperson said that he understood and asked for the advice of the parliamentary legal advisor.

Ms Thiloshini Gangen, Parliamentary Legal Advisor, said that the DoT responses are detailed and that it might take some time to go over everything. She agreed that the deliberations take place at another time.

The Chairperson suggested that DoT continue its presentation until 13h00 and thereafter adjourn. The rest of the agenda will then move to another meeting. He asked if the Committee was on board with this decision.

The Committee agreed to move the rest of the agenda to the next meeting.

Mr Chikambvi then continued with the presentation until 13h00.

Closing remarks
The Chairperson thanked Mr Chikambvi and said that the DoT responses on the ERT Bill have been noted. There will be another meeting where the parliamentary legal advisors will have an opportunity to respond and Members can ask clarity seeking questions. The DoT responses on the National Road Traffic A/B and National Land Transport A/B will also be dealt with in the next meeting. He thanked DoT for responding to the public submissions on the ERT Bill. He thanked everyone and adjourned the meeting.


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