Committee Annual Performance Plan; Study Tour

Joint Standing Committee on Defence

08 June 2023
Chairperson: Mr V Xaba (ANC)
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Meeting Summary


The Joint Standing Committee on Defence convened virtually for a briefing on the National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC) First Quarter Report for 2023 and an update on progress about the concerns raised by the Defence Industry during the engagement on 3 November 22 with the Committee.

The Committee agreed to reschedule the NCACC briefing due to the unavailability of senior officials in the Directorate.

The Committee received a briefing on the Annual Performance Plan of both the Joint Standing Committee and the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans. Items in both reports were similar except for aspects related to Military Veterans and the fact that legislation is dealt with by the Portfolio Committee and not by the Joint Standing Committee. The plans reflected a review of the 2020/21 strategic plan and a look forward to the rest of the year, i.e. to the end of the sixth Parliament

Members were also provided with an update on arrangements for the upcoming Study Tour.

Meeting report

The Chairperson noted that the Committee was supposed to receive a briefing on the National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC) First Quarter Report for 2023 and an update on progress about the concerns raised by the Defence Industry during the engagement on 3 November 22 with the Committee. However, this presentation would be postponed because of the unavailability of the DCAC Head of the Secretariat due to medical reasons and prior commitments by his second-in-line. He offered to send his third-in-line but it would not have been appropriate, considering the agenda topic.

Mr S Marais (DA) agreed that it would be preferable to reschedule the meeting. He requested that copies of the NCACC First Quarter Report be made available to Members.

The Chairperson asked the Committee Secretary, Ms Nandipha Maxhegwana, to obtain the report and distribute it to Members in preparation for the later meeting. He did not see any of the NCOP Members, other than Mr Ryder, on the platform and asked if they had another commitment. He had received complaints from NCOP colleagues about considerations not being given to their other commitments.

Ms P Phetlhe (ANC) replied that NCOP Members were still in a meeting.

Mr M Shelembe (DA) stated that the Thursday meetings are standard meetings and he was expecting the Co-Chairperson to at least submit an apology for his absence as a token of respect. He asked the Chairperson to convey this message to the Co-Chairperson.

The Chairperson replied that the point is noted. He proposed that the meeting proceed with the tabling of the 2023/24 Annual Performance Plan (APP) for consideration and to approve the report on Wednesday, 14 June 2023, prior to the oversight visit to Simonstown.

Committee Annual Performance Plans
Dr Wilhelm Janse van Rensburg, Parliamentary Content Advisor, presented the 2023/24 APPs of both the Joint Standing Committee and the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans. Items in both reports were similar except for aspects related to Military Veterans and the fact that legislation is dealt with by the Portfolio Committee and not by the Joint Standing Committee. The plans reflected a review of the 2020/21 strategic plan and a look forward to the rest of the year, i.e. to the end of the sixth Parliament.

The Chairperson agreed that it was important to have an overview of both APPs for a comprehensive view of all issues but the focus would be on matters impacting the Joint Standing Committee.

Keys issues emanating from the Joint Standing Committee on Defence 2022/23 APP that warranted further work in 2023 included the following:

Follow up on forensic investigations and the forensic audit report on the refurbishment at 1 Military Hospital;

Ensuring additional funding for SANDF deployments, and appropriate timing of funding for deployments;

Focusing on the declining status of the SANDF prime-mission equipment, including maintenance contracts and spares procurement;

Matters related to SANDF morale;

SANDF succession planning;

Efforts to rejuvenate the SANDF, especially the Reserve Force;

Follow up on the automation of the NCACC permit application system;

Improving relations between the NCACC and the Defence Industry; and
Focusing on the implementation of recommendations of the Military Ombudsman.

Keys issues emanating from the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans 2022/23 APP and aspects to consider for further work in 2023 included the following:

Engagement with National Treasury and the Department of Defence (DOD) about irregular Compensation of Employee (COE) spending, and possible condonement of COE spending;

Rejuvenation of the DOD Human Resources strategy to ensure a younger and more cost-effective force;

Rejuvenation and maintenance of prime-mission equipment;

Addressing fruitless and wasteful expenditure;

Addressing procurement systems and challenges in the SANDF;

Addressing Auditor-General findings on the DOD and the Department of Military Veterans;

Effective maintenance contract management and spares acquisition by ARMSCOR for the SANDF; and
Capacitation of the ARMSCOR Dockyard to ensure effective service delivery to the SA Navy.

Dr Janse van Rensburg said the team would be open to make adjustments to the reports should Members have further input.

Mr Marais commended the staff for the fantastic reports. He sought clarity about how to deal with the four Presidential Letters.

Mr D Ryder (DA, Gauteng) was satisfied that the reports were compiled in line with the mandates. He suggested that diary notes should be set for when the Presidential Letters expire.

Ms Phetlhe agreed with her colleagues that the reports were well prepared.

The Chairperson said the team had done a good job with the reports. The issues were not new and are being tracked. He agreed with Dr Janse van Rensburg that some issues that Members want to add to the agenda might take precedence. The plan is a living document with space to include new matters.

Mr Marais asked for feedback regarding the three or four Presidential Letters.

Dr Janse van Rensburg replied that he would double check and make sure that the correct number is included in the report.

Members resolved to adopt the report.

18 May 2023
Mr Cebekhulu drew attention to his standing apology for the period April to May 2023 due to his hospitalisation.

Ms Maxhegwana was requested to update all the minutes accordingly to reflect the apology from Mr Cebekhulu.

The Committee adopted the amended minutes.

25 May 2023
The Committee adopted the minutes without amendments.

1 June 2023
Ms Beukes noted that her initial for her name was incorrect. Ms Maxhegwana made the correction. The Committee adopted the amended minutes.

Study Tour
The Chairperson requested an update on the study tour arrangements.

Ms Maxhegwana said the financial application had been delayed. She was instructed by Parliament to not work with DIRCO but to meet with the travel agency. The application was with the Divisional Manager and would be referred to the CFO of Parliament and then for approval to the Secretary of Parliament. The visa payments would be reimbursed once the financial application is approved, i.e. by mid-week the following week. The visas were ready for collection and would be handed to Members on Thursday, 15 June 2023 in the closed meeting at Parliament.

The Chairperson wanted to know about the implications on securing accommodation and flights if the financial application is delayed.

Ms Maxhegwana said once the Divisional Manager approves the application, she would request an e-mail confirmation to submit to the travel agency to secure the bookings while waiting on the final approval.

The Chairperson sought confirmation that the arrangements would be secured.

Ms Maxhegwana agreed that there was no need for concern. She was in daily communication with the travel agency.

Dr Janse van Rensburg said there had been a number of setbacks on the administrative side but Ms Maxhegwana was doing an excellent job in following up on the matters. In terms of the content update, he advised that the German ambassador had provided feedback on the focus areas and had arranged a number of engagements with the German counterparts. Engagements have been arranged with the German Department of Defence, stakeholders in the Defence Industry and with the company responsible for building the Frigates of the SANDF. Most industry role players did not have factories in Berlin but do have offices in Berlin where the meetings are scheduled to take place. Engagements on cyber defence must still be secured.

The Chairperson asked about engagements on issues of Military Veterans.

Dr Janse van Rensburg replied that the issue was on the list of outstanding items.

Mr Marais said next week might be too late to secure flights and accommodation due to the summer season in Germany at this time.

The Chairperson asked Ms Maxhegwana to consider the concern raised by Mr Marais. He asked if the travel agency could be approached to brief the Committee on matters that might become a challenge.

Dr Janse van Rensburg replied that it might not be the role of the travel agency to provide such information. He undertook to compile a list and brief Members on what to expect regarding the culture, dress code and issues of protocol that other Members were raising. He would also arrange with the embassy staff to address Members on the evening of arrival in Germany.

Mr K Motsamai (EFF) expressed his appreciation to Dr Janse van Rensburg and Ms Maxhegwana for the information. About the dress code, he said in jest, that it would simply be the ‘red beret’.

Ms Maxhegwana addressed the queries about flight arrangements. Members would be travelling with either Air France or Turkish Airlines depending on where they reside. Landing in Germany would be 30 minutes apart.

The Chairperson would have preferred to have Members travel as a group and asked Ms Maxhegwana to try and arrange for the team to travel together, if possible.

The meeting was adjourned.


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