Public Enterprises Budget: Committee Report

Public Enterprises

22 May 2023
Chairperson: Ms J Mkhwanazi (ANC) (Acting)
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Meeting Summary


Tabled Committee Reports

In a brief virtual meeting, the Committee convened to consider and adopt its budget vote report on the Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan 2023/24 of the Department of Public Enterprises.

The Committee adopted its budget vote report, with an objection from the Democratic Alliance (DA).

The DA said that the objection was about the targets that have not been met and the continued plans which have failed to stabilise many of the state-owned enterprises, under the aegis of the Committee. The DA Member had further requested to submit a minority report.

Members of the African National Congress rejected the request to submit a minority report. An ANC Member said that the Committee cannot be divided by “the minority and the majority” and that Members of the Committee should express their views and ideas at a committee level.

Meeting report

Opening remarks

Mr Disang Mocumi, Committee Secretary, informed the Committee that the Chairperson was logged into the meeting but was not feeling well. He said that the Chairperson had requested Ms J Mkhwanazi (ANC) to assist with chairing the meeting.

The Acting Chairperson asked if there was a quorum. She wished the Chairperson a speedy recovery.

Mr Mocumi confirmed that there was a quorum. He noted the apologies from Ms R Komane (EFF), who was hospitalised, and Ms C Phiri (ANC), who was boarding a flight.

Consideration and adoption of the Committee’s Budget Vote Report, dated 17 May 2023

The Acting Chairperson asked the Committee Secretary to display the observations and recommendations of the Committee’s budget vote report 2023.

She asked if the Members had any comments.

Mr G Cachalia (DA) was concerned that the report was being tabled and considered at the eleventh hour, given the weight of the issues to be considered. A hard copy of the report was handed out at the end of the previous meeting, followed by an electronic copy.

He said that the DA had many objections about the targets that have not been met and the continued plans which have failed to stabilise many of the state-owned enterprises (SOEs), under the aegis of the Committee. He believed that there was a need for an overall revamp of the manner in which recommendations are dealt with. The DA cannot support the Committee’s budget vote report, due to considerable reservations. He requested the right to present a minority report.

Ms V Malinga (ANC) rejected Mr Cachalia’s request to present a minority report. She said that the budget vote report was a report of the Committee.

Mr S Gumede (ANC) agreed with Ms Malinga, because the Committee cannot be divided by the minority and the majority. He questioned which parties were referred to as the minority. He said that the Members should express their views and ideas at a committee level. He noticed that some Members would capitalise on distorting the information that the Department had given them in response to their questions.

He said that the observations reflected the views of the Committee. He understood that Mr Cachalia had alluded to other recommendations that were not fulfilled. He was satisfied with the recommendations but suggested that the Committee should do quarterly monitoring of the recommendations.

He noted that the Department’s Strategic Plan has specific targets that must be met by March 2025. He suggested that the Committee be provided with indicators to show whether the Department is getting closer to achieving its targets. For instance, the Department aims to improve the energy availability factor to reduce load-shedding. He moved for the adoption of the recommendations of the Committee’s budget vote report.

Ms Malinga seconded.

The Acting Chairperson noted the adoption of the Committee’s budget vote report and the DA’s objection. She said that the suggestion of the quarterly monitoring of the recommendations is covered in item 7.21 of the recommendations, which says that the Minister of Public Enterprises should within the 2023/24 financial year, ensure that the Department of Public Enterprises “report every quarter to the Committee on progress being made in regard to the above recommendations”.

Mr Cachalia said that he will prepare and submit a motivation in line with the rules, Constitution, and various court cases to justify a minority report.

The Acting Chairperson informed Mr Cachalia that his objection had been noted.

Ms Malinga said that the ANC Members understood that the rules of Parliament allow for a minority report, but it cannot be that a Member of the Committee wants to present his/her own thing. She said that Mr Cachalia can do as he pleases.

Read: ATC230522: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on Budget Vote 10: Public Enterprises, and on the Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan for 2023/24 of the Department of Public Enterprises, Dated 22 May 2023

Closing remarks

The Acting Chairperson asked if any other matter had to be noted.

Mr Mocumi said that there was a request from Minister Pravin Gordan that the meeting scheduled for Wednesday be postponed to a later week because the Minister would like to be present in the meeting for the issues that will be discussed on Eskom.

The Acting Chairperson replied that the Chairperson will arrange for another date.

The meeting was adjourned.


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