Second Term Programme

NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration

31 March 2023
Chairperson: Mr C Dodovu (ANC)
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Meeting Summary


The Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Water and Sanitation, and Human Settlement considered and adopted its second term programme. The programme has taken into consideration all the inputs Members made during the strategic planning session regarding legislation, interaction of the Committee with the AGSA, and committee interventions. Members emphasised the need to visit the municipalities in Gauteng because of challenges in these municipalities relating to governance. Members not pleased that the municipalities kept delaying the visits and said they should be summoned. The Committee was planning a study tour to Denmark in May to look into best practice around coalition governments. Members would also participate in a coalition master class by the University of Stellenbosch. The Chairperson said The Committee understood it was going to deal with the issues of coalitions throughout, which is why it is important that Members understand the operations of coalitions. It is important to find mechanisms whether regulatory or legislative to ensure coalition governments work in our country.

Meeting report

Committee Programme: Term Two

In his introduction, the Chairperson informed Members the purpose of the meeting was to consider the Committee programme for the second term with a view to adopting it. During the first term, the Committee did not do a lot. It had a strategic meeting and an engagement with the Auditor-General of SA (AGSA) regarding the three municipalities in Gauteng: Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Emfuleni Local Municipality. The Committee had a good engagement with the President and other ministers during the traditional affairs meeting on the work they were doing with a view to make sure there is collaboration.

The Committee Secretary took the Committee through the programme, page by page. He noted the programme has taken into consideration all the inputs Members made during the strategic planning session regarding legislation, interaction of the Committee with the AGSA, and committee interventions. The programme does not include oversight visits as that would be decided by the Members.

The Chairperson said the programme was subject to three key areas. First, there were the postponed visits to the Gauteng Province to engage with the municipalities of Tshwane, Johannesburg and Emfuleni. Political developments at some of the municipalities have forced the Committee to cancel the visits. There have been many changes, motions of no confidence, disqualification of mayors, etc. These problems persisted. When the Committee visits Gauteng next time, it would also include Ekurhuleni Municipality on its agenda. These problems were a result of coalition governments. Second, the Committee has been in touch with the SA Embassy in Denmark and Danish Embassy in South Africa. The processed study tour to Denmark should coincide with the Copenhagen Democracy Summit, scheduled from 13 to 15 May 2023. This international summit engages with a lot of matters of local government. The visit is at an advanced stage. The Committee has been busy working out the details of the programme with the Danish Embassy. The visit is important because the matter of coalitions in SA is becoming a reality and Denmark has the best model of coalition government in the whole world. Denmark also has an agreement with the SA government on a number of areas, including water; and to learn how the country trains and integrates youth into the mainstream of local government. Third, the University of Stellenbosch is offering a Master Class Course in Coalitions, but due to limited space, it has been agreed there would be six Members from across the political parties to attend the first round. Members who are going to attend have been identified. The Committee understood it was going to deal with the issues of coalitions throughout, which is why it is important that Members understand the operations of coalitions. It is important to find mechanisms whether regulatory or legislative to ensure coalition governments work in our country.

The Chairperson then opened the floor for discussion.

Ms M Bartlett (ANC, Northern Cape) said it was unacceptable for the Gauteng municipalities to ask for postponements when the Committee wanted to engage with them. They should be summoned to appear in Parliament if they continue to delay the work of the Committee. These municipalities have been doing this a number of times now. She then proposed adopting the Committee programme.

Ms A Maleka (ANC, Mpumalanga) said visits to Gauteng were proving to be a fruitless expenditure. The municipalities should be summoned to Parliament to find a way of addressing issues in Gauteng. She seconded the adoption of the programme.

Mr K Motsamai (EFF, Gauteng) seconded the proposition. He said he has serious problems with Emfuleni local municipality because it keeps on postponing its engagement with the Committee. There is no service delivery. All the municipalities in Gauteng were in coalitions. Hence it was important to undertake the study tour to Denmark to understand the operations of coalitions.

The Chairperson said the Gauteng matter would be discussed with the MEC to express dissatisfaction from the Members and to indicate the cancelled visits have disrupted the Committee programme. He further said that should the trend continue, the Committee would have to summon these municipalities to appear in Parliament. Lastly, he stated all future meetings would be physical.

The Committee programme was adopted.

The meeting was adjourned.


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