(Subcommittee) Committee Report: Protector Report on Toyota Quantum Panel Vans

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23 November 2022
Chairperson: Mr L McDonald (ANC)
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Meeting Summary


Report No. 37 of 2018/19 on an investigation into the illegal conversion of goods carrying Toyota Quantum panel vans into passenger carrying minibus taxis to transport members of the public for reward

Tabled Committee Reports

The Sub-committee convened in a virtual meeting to consider and adopt the Public Protector's report on a systematic investigation into the illegal conversion of goods-carrying Toyota Quantum panel vans into passenger-carrying mini-bus taxis to transport members of the public for reward.

The sub-committee adopted the final report with minor additions, and agreed that it could be sent to the Portfolio Committee for final consideration and adoption.

Meeting report

Opening remarks

The Chairperson said he would be chairing the meeting because Mr Mangcu was attending a meeting with the Chair of Chairs. The sub-committee would finalise and adopt the report, and it would go to the Portfolio Committee for the final approval. He asked the Content Advisor to read through the report. 

Consideration and adoption of report

Adv Alma Nel, Committee Content Advisor, read through the changes and updates made in the final report for consideration by the sub-committee.

The Chairperson recommended that the people who had been "bamboozled" into buying the taxis and could not get operating permits for them, should bring them forward for scrapping.

Adv Nel said this was included in the report, and the recommendation could be added under the recommendations to the Minister of Transport.

The sub-committee adopted the final report with minor additions, and agreed that it could be sent to the Portfolio Committee for final consideration and adoption.

The meeting was adjourned.  


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