Committee programme for 2022/23; Committee minutes

NCOP Social Services

22 November 2022
Chairperson: Ms M Gillion (ANC, Western Cape)
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Meeting Summary


The Select Committee on Health and Social Services held a virtual meeting to consider and adopt committee minutes. The Committee also considered its programme for the first two terms of 2023.

Meeting report

The Chairperson opened the meeting and informed Members that the meeting was to consider and adopt the Committee minutes and the Committee’s 1st and 2nd term programme for 2022/23.

Members adopted the agenda.

Committee minutes

The Committee adopted the minutes of 6 September 2022; 13 September; 10 November and 15 November 2022 as true reflections of their deliberations. 

Committee programme 2023

The Committee Secretariat, Ms Marcelle Williams, presented the tentative programme for the 1st and 2nd term of next year. She highlighted that the programme was only tentative because she had not received the final NCOP programme with its confirmed dates therefore it was likely to change. The dates were approximates depending on when the Committee would usually do the activities.

Members adopted the proposed programme for both the first and second terms.

Mr E Nchabeleng (ANC, Limpopo) said it was important to engage the embassies regarding the Committee’s foreign study visits so they could advise on the dates.

The Chairperson gave assurance that the staff members had done their duties and the staff was hands-on in making the visit happen.

She informed Members that she would give a statement on the Children’s Amendment Bill in Parliament; she thanked the Members for their hard work and for finishing the Bill in time. There were two bills that had to be finalised in the coming year.

The Committee Secretariat reminded Members that the Committee had been sent a referral jointly with the Portfolio Committee on Social Development to endorse a recommended list for an appeals tribunal which was a process previously done by the Department. The new process required the Department get two endorsements by committees of Parliament. The Department had done the interviews and had a recommended candidate that the two committees would endorse. The briefing of the two committees was proposed for 30 November, where they would also be given the list of candidates.

The meeting was adjourned. 


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