Committee report on 2021/22 Annual Reports of Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport and entities: Western Cape Language Committee, Heritage Western Cape, & Western Cape Cultural Commission

Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP)

11 November 2022
Chairperson: Mr G Bosman (DA)
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Meeting Summary


Draft Committee Report on the 2021/22 Annual Reports of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport and entities

The Committee went over the report.

Minor changes were made.

The Members asked for a list of safety ambassadors that the Department has employed.

The Committee moved for the adoption of the report with amendments.

Meeting report

The Committee considered and adopted its minutes dated 17, 26 and 27 October 2022

The Committee moved for the adoption of the minutes.

Draft report on the oversight visit to the Robben Island Museum (RIM)

The Committee went over the report.

Additional recommendations were added to the report:

- The Committee noted that the current management model for Robben Island, with multiple government stakeholders having responsibilities for funding different aspects of infrastructural maintenance of the island, has negatively affected the maintenance standards.

- The Committee looks forward to engaging with the RIM to get an update on how it will incorporate the history of other political prisoners from the Western Cape.

- The Committee will invite the RIM, Heritage Western Cape, the Western Cape Cultural Commission, the City of Cape Town’s Heritage Unit, the Western Cape Provincial Archives and Records, and the District Six Museum, to share some of the work that they are doing to showcase and bring to prominence the contribution of all forgotten heroes of the struggle.

The Committee moved for the adoption of the report with amendments.

Draft report on the oversight visit to the Central Library and City Hall

The Committee went over the report.

Minor amendments were made.

The Committee moved for the adoption of the report with amendments made.

The meeting was adjourned.



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