Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill: finalisation

NCOP Security and Justice

24 August 2022
Chairperson: Ms S Shaikh (ANC, Limpopo)
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Meeting Summary


Tabled Committee Reports

The Select Committee on Security and Justice held a virtual meeting to consider the adoption of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill [B25-2021] and to consider and adopt the Committee report on the Bill.

The Committee moved to adopt both the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill [B25-2021] and the Committee report on the Bill without any amendment or objection.  

Meeting report

The Chairperson opened the meeting and noted there was a quorum. She said it would be a short meeting in which the Committee would consider the adoption of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill [B25-2021]. She highlighted that in the previous meeting, the Department dealt with comments of Members and the public. There was no proposed amendment to the Bill. She highlighted the meeting today was to process the Bill further. She tabled the Bill for adoption without amendments.

Mr T Dodovu (ANC, North West) moved for the adoption of the Bill without any amendments.

Ms M Bartlett (ANC, Northern Cape) seconded the adoption without any amendments.

The Chairperson noted that there were no objections. The Bill was duly adopted.

She proceeded to table the Committee report on the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill [B25-2021]. She asked for comments and proposed amendments.

Ms Bartlett moved for the adoption of the report without any amendments.

Mr E Mthethwa (ANC, KZN) seconded the move to adopt the report without any amendments.

The Chairperson asked if there were any objections to adopting the report.

The Committee moved to adopt the report.

The Chairperson thanked the Committee while noting that it was an important bill and would ensure that the necessary evidence was collected regarding gender-based violence. She highlighted that the Committee had encouraged the Department to ensure full implementation, and the backlogs were addressed speedily to bring perpetrators to book.

She thanked all the Members for their attendance.

The meeting was adjourned.


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