Election of Chairperson

Finance (WCPP)

12 August 2022
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Meeting Summary


The Committee met to elect a new Chairperson as there had recently been a change in membership. Ms C Murray (DA) was elected unopposed.

Meeting report

The procedural officer opened the meeting and noted that per ATC 87 of 2022, there has been a change in membership and according to Standing Rule 82 (1) of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, the Committee must elect a chairperson from its membership. She called for nominations.

Mr R Mackenzie (DA) nominated Ms C Murray (DA).

Mr G Brinkhuis (Al-Jamah) seconded the nomination.

As there were no further nominations, Ms Murray was duly nominated chairperson.

The Chairperson expressed her thanks for having being nominated and hoped to serve the Committee and province well. She noted she would be meeting with the procedural officer to chart the way forward for the Committee.

She informed Members that the next Committee engagement would be an oversight visit to the procurement client centre on 2 September 2022. Members will receive the programme and visit details.

Members of the Committee wished the new Chairperson well.

Ms N Nkondlo (ANC) asked about the programme of the Committee since the previous chairperson’s time.

The Chairperson reiterated the next engagement of the Committee and repeated that she would be interacting with the procedural officer on the budget and plans of the Committee going forward. This will be communicated to Members when they next met. She welcomed Members sending her input on the programme of the Committee.

The meeting was adjourned.


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