Chairperson election


12 May 2004
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

12 May 2004
Chairperson Election

This minute is an edited version of a report produced by kind courtesy of Contact Trust:

Mr N Masitela (ANC)

Documents handed out:

Mr Jerry Boltina, the Committee Clerk, asked for nominations for Committee Chairperson. Mr Neo Masitela (ANC) was elected unopposed.

Mr Masitela thanked the Committee and then, noting the President's State of the Nation address on 21 May, said the Committee thereafter needed to engage with the budgetary process. He presented a proposed agenda based on the exit report of the last Committee and the budget hearings. Members needed to go through it and suggest changes. He added that the debate on the budget was tentatively proposed for 8 June and the Committee needed to engage with it before then.

A member asked whether the debates on the Budget of the Land and Agriculture Departments would be done at the same time. The Chair confirmed that it would take place on the same day.

Mr van Niekerk asked if it could be two debates as there is a risk otherwise of one being emphasised over the other.

The Chair agreed and urged Members to go back to their Party Whips and request two separate debates.

The Chair, after asking members to approach his office if there were any issues relating to the programme, then asked the Committee to introduce themselves, and this was done.

The meeting was adjourned.



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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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