Committee Annual Budget: adoption

Public Enterprises

25 February 2004
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

25 February 2004

Documents handed out:
Portfolio Committee Annual Budget 2004/2005

Chairperson: Mr B Martins

The Minister was supposed to brief the Committee on the Department's programme for 2004, but had instead decided to do this for the incoming Parliament. The Committee discussed the proposed budget for 2004. Several items in the budget were queried and noted for clarification before it was adopted. The Chair proposed these issues be pursued by the future elected Portfolio Committee.

Mr C Frolick (UDM) referring to the lack of allowance for overseas travel, asked if this applied to the whole of 2004. The Chair affirmed this.

Mr Frolick questioned the R30 000 training and R115 000 advertising allowances. He also asked if there was any legislation in the pipeline.

The Chair responded that at times it was necessary for the Committee to independently source expert advice. The training allowance catered for that need. The advertising allowance related to publicity for public hearings The matter of any new legislation would most likely be taken up after the Minister's address to the new Parliament.

Mr Butana Komphela (ANC) sought clarity on the R150 allocated for staff subsistence within SA. In the Committee's oversight role, it was necessary for Members of the new Parliament to revisit the Department's projects in order to check on progress.

The Chair replied that this amount allowed for a two-day stay at R75 a day. Considering the nature of this Committee, it was unlikely that this would be sufficient for a whole year. In the event of sudden occurrences, the Committee might need more money.

Mr Komphela remarked that the R6 200 allowed for car hire was insufficient

Mr T Louw (ANC) questioned the need for R5 000 for newspapers, periodicals and magazines, and R3 300 mileage claims for MPs.

Mr Martins informed him that this was a general practice, and the work of all Committees was enhanced by access to relevant, up-to-date publications. On the matter of mileage for MPs, the Chair was not sure.

Mr Komphela informed the Committee that when on dedicated Committee duties, a Member would be reimbursed for such mileage. He questioned the omission of public hearings which was a vital function for the Committee's effectiveness.

The Chair noted this omission and moved to adopt the budget. Messrs Frolick and Sibiya supported this motion and the budget was adopted.

Mr Martins thanked Members and the Secretary for their assistance over the past years, and wished them luck for the forthcoming elections.

The meeting was adjourned.


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