Annual Report and Outstanding Minutes for 2003: adoption

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Mineral and Petroleum Resources

18 February 2004
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

18 February 2004

Mr M Goniwe (ANC)

Documents handed out:
Draft Committee Annual Report (Draft cannot be released)
Outstanding Minutes from Committee Meetings (awaited)

The Committee suggested small technical amendments before approving the 2003 Committee Annual Report and the outstanding minutes.

The Chair asked the Committee to review the outstanding 2003 Committee minutes and the Annual Report. The report's presentation was partially incorrect and needed technical improvements. For example, some officials listed as employed by the Department, no longer worked there. The Chair asked Members for comment but they appeared to be reading both reports for the first time. They were given five minutes to read over the documents and then approved the minutes of 12 August; 11 August; 3 September; 10 September; 17 September; 12 November and 19 November 2003.

The Chair explained that the Committee needed to isolate problems from their past meetings. They had not taken many of their intended actions and would need to pay attention to this after the elections.

Next, the Committee sifted through the Annual Report. Mr A Blaas (NNP) said the
Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act [No. 28 of 2002] and the Mining Titles Registration Amendment Act [No. 24 of 2003] should be added to the list of legislation passed by the Committee. The Chair responded that this legislation was covered in a previous report. Also, there were many typing errors in paragraph 5.

Mr E Lucus (IFP) stated that the Committee had voiced concerns about royalties. He felt that these concerns had been justified.

Mr B Bell (DP) added that while many regulations and royalties had been discussed during deliberations, certain regulations still had not been addressed. This would be a problem in the future.

The Committee approved the Annual Report for 2003.

The Chair thanked the Committee. He announced he and 10 MPs would be visiting the South African Nuclear Energy Co-operation (NESCA). On 25 February, the Committee would be hosting an informal function for MPs and staff, and needed to decide if they preferred this to be a lunch or dinner event. Mr Lucas responded that dinner would be best.

The Chair thanked the Committee for their cooperation. He acknowledged Mr B Bell, who was retiring, for his dedicated service for the Committee. Mr Bell would be missed.

The meeting was adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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