Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2021: adoption

Budget Committee (WCPP)

08 December 2021
Chairperson: Ms D Baartman (DA)
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Meeting Summary



Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill 

Committee report

The Budget Committee considered the Committee Reports for each Vote. The views of each political party were expressed on the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill 2021. The Budget Committee then approved its Committee Report in support of the Bill and the minority dissenting view of the ANC, Al-Jamaah and EFF was noted.  

Meeting report

The Chairperson asked that the Committee go straight into noting what the Standing Committees had reported in their Committee Reports about the 2021/22 adjusted budget for the department over which each had oversight:

Vote 1: Premier
The Standing Committee approved the Vote 1 Adjusted Budget.

The ANC voted against this.

Vote 2: Western Cape Parliament
Vote 2 was approved by the Committee.

The ANC dissented.

Vote 3: Provincial Treasury
The Committee supported the Vote.

A minority view from the African National Congress (ANC) read that it wished to reserve its position on the Vote until it came up for debate in the House.

Vote 4 : Community Safety
The Chairperson noted Vote 4 indicated a vote for Community Safety.  The Standing Committee on Community Safety and Arts, Culture and Sports had supported the Vote whereas the ANC had not supported the Vote, as expressed in its minority view in the Committee Report.

Vote 5: Education
The Standing Committee on Education had reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC minority view was not to support the Vote.
Vote 6: Health
The Standing Committee on Health reported its support for the Vote, with the opposition ANC having expressed its minority view not to support the Vote.

Vote 7: Social Development
The Standing Committee on Social Development had supported the Vote. There had been a minority view that the ANC and Al-Jamaah had expressed which was not to support the Vote.

Vote 8: Human Settlements
The Standing Committee on Human Settlements reported that it supported the Vote and a minority view had been expressed by the ANC that it did not not support the Vote.

Vote 9: Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
The Standing Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning voted to support the Vote, with a minority view that the ANC opted not to support the Vote.

Vote 10: Transport and Public Works
The Standing Committee on Transport and Public Works had reported that it supported the Vote.

A  minority view by the ANC not to support the Vote had been recorded.

Vote 11: Agriculture
The Standing Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning voted to support the Vote on Agriculture.

The ANC had expressed a minority view not to support the Vote.

Vote 12: Economic Development and Tourism
The Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism had approved Vote 12. The EFF did not support the Vote. The ANC reserved its view on the Vote.

Vote 13 :Cultural Affairs and Sports
The Standing Committee on Community Safety and Cultural Affairs reported its support of Vote 13: Cultural Affairs and Sport.

A minority view by the ANC expressed its non-support for the Vote.

Vote 14: Local Government
The Standing Committee on Committee on Local Government reported that it supported the Vote.

The minority view of the ANC and EFF not to support the Vote had also been detailed.

The Chairperson invited the different political parties to give their views on the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill.

Ms N Makamba-Botya (EFF) thanked the Chairperson and informed the meeting that the EFF opposed the Bill.

Ms M Wenger (DA) spoke on behalf of the Democratic Alliance and moved for adoption of the Bill.

Mr R Allen (DA) expressed his support for the Bill and encouraged other parties to follow suit in supporting the Bill.

Mr G Brinkhuis (Al-Jamaah) said Al-Jamaah would like to record it was not in support of the Bill.

Mr W Philander (DA) expressed support for the Bill.

Adoption of Committee Report on Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill
The Chairperson then read the Report into the record that detailed the Budget Committee support for the Bill and the opposition of the ANC, Al-Jamaah and EFF. She called for the Report's adoption.

Mr Allen moved for adoption and Ms Philander seconded.

The Chairperson announced that the Report had been adopted.

Committee business
The Committee adopted the minutes of meetings held in December 2021.

The Chairperson noted the receipt of the names of Members who indicated their physical presence at the budget workshop. If Members had not indicated their physical presence then their virtual attendance would be noted.

The Chairperson spoke about the achievements of the busy year and requested Members to stay safe over the festive period. She expressed the Committee's gratitude to “our” procedural staff who every now and then had been roped in and assisted with extra administrative work, especially during budget season. She thanked Members for their robust nature in the Committee and for having displayed a very high level of engagement.

Meeting ended.


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