Western Cape Liquor Authority Board: interviews

Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP)

12 November 2021
Chairperson: Mr R Allen (DA)
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Meeting Summary


The Standing Committee met virtually to conduct interviews for vacancies on the Governing Board of the Western Cape Liquor Authority (WCLA). Five candidates were interviewed: Dr Carina America, Adv Gideon Morris, Mr Koos Louw, Adv Sibonile Khoza, Ms Tanya Wainright. Thereafter the Committee met in camera – according to WCPP Standing Rule 72 – to deliberate and choose two of the five candidates for positions on the Board. The Committee reopened the meeting to adopt its Committee Report that a decision had been made. The names were not publically stated according to Committee resolution (in terms of Standing Rule 72), but the names were submitted to the Provincial Minister of Community Safety in an official letter.

Meeting report

The Chairperson said he thoroughly believed that the work of the Liquor Authority was vital. We have seen the effects of alcohol and illegal outlets in our communities. This Board exercises oversight over the Liquor Authority. The five interviews would be conducted today and thereafter, in terms of WCPP Standing Rule 72, the Committee would hold a closed session to discuss and recommend two names for Board positions.

At the start of each interview, the Chairperson welcomed the candidate and explained the interview process. He introduced the Members and asked the candidate to provide a brief introduction  to the Committee for two minutes. At the end of the interview, the Chairperson asked the candidate to make final remarks and explained the process going forward.

Candidate 1: Dr Carina America
Mr G Bosman (DA) asked what the candidate thought were some of the major challenges within the Western Cape Liquor Authority. If possible, what are the solutions to these?

Mr M Kama (ANC) asked the candidate what she would consider to be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority Board.

Ms W Philander (ANC) said the amendments to the Western Cape Liquor Act aimed to change the law around the sale of alcohol. She asked the candidate what she would recommend as smart interventions that she would like to see in the Amendment Act. She asked for three core interventions.

The Chairperson asked if Members had follow-up questions to the answers provided by Dr America.

Mr Bosman asked Dr America to expand on the role she sees the Western Cape Liquor Authority playing in dealing with alcohol consumption and what more it can do to ensure it does not become a major challenge.

Candidate 2: Adv Gideon Morris
Mr Bosman asked the candidate what he considered to be some of the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority.

Mr Kama asked the candidate what she would consider to be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority Board.

Ms W Philander (ANC) said the amendments to the Western Cape Liquor Act aimed to change the law around the sale of alcohol. She asked the candidate to make recommendations for smart interventions in the Amendment Act.

There were no follow-up questions for the candidate.

Candidate 3: Mr Koos Louw
The Chairperson asked the candidate to touch on any further reasons why he had applied for the position.

Mr Bosman asked the candidate what he considered to be some of the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority.

Mr Kama asked the candidate what he would consider to be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority Board.

Ms Philander said the amendments to the Western Cape Liquor Act aimed to change the law around the sale of alcohol. She asked the candidate to make recommendations for smart interventions in the Amendment Act.

There were no follow-up questions for the candidate.

Candidate 4: Adv Sibonile Khoza
Mr Bosman asked the candidate what he considered to be some of the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority.

Mr Kama asked the candidate what he would consider to be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority Board.

Ms Philander said the amendments to the Western Cape Liquor Act aimed to change the law around the sale of alcohol. She asked the candidate to make recommendations for smart interventions in the Amendment Act.

There were no follow-up questions for the candidate.

Candidate 5: Ms Tanya Wainright
Mr Bosman asked the candidate what she considered to be some of the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority.

Mr Kama asked the candidate what she would consider to be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority Board.

Ms Philander said the candidate alluded to improvements and innovation. She said the amendments to the Western Cape Liquor Act aimed to change the law around the sale of alcohol. She asked the candidate to make recommendations for smart interventions in the Amendment Act.

Closed session to deliberate and recommend two of the five candidate for WCLA positions.

On reconvening, the Committee Report on the recommendation for appointments of candidates for the Western Cape Liquor Authority Governing Board was read out by the Chairperson and adopted by the Committee (see document).

Meeting adjourned.


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