Sectional Titles Amendment Bill: adoption


10 September 2021
Chairperson: Inkosi M Mandela (ANC)
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Meeting Summary


The Committee convened to go through the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill [B31B-2020] and went through it clause by clause. Each clause was read out and subsequently adopted by Members. There were no substantive, grammatical and technical errors that were noted or made during the clause by clause exercise.

The Democratic Alliance and the Economic Freedom Fighters reserved the right to support the adoption of the Amendment Bill.

The Committee also considered its Report on the Amendment Bill, which was read out in its entirety – there were no further changes that were made on the Report as well.

Meeting report

The Chairperson said that the previous week the Committee had adopted its proposed amendments to the Bill (A-List). These amendments have now been incorporated into the B version of the Bill.

Ms Fatima Isaacs, Parliamentary Legal Advisor,  briefly noted each amendment effected in the B version of the Bill. These amendments were not substantive in nature but rather focused on the deletion of certain clauses and consequential renumbering.

The Chairperson took the Committee clause by clause through the Bill. He read out each clause and submitted it for adoption adopted. All clauses were adopted individually.

Ms A Steyn (DA) said that the Democratic Alliance is not for or against the Bill but reserves its right to approve the Bill until its caucus has made its decision on the Bill.

Mr N Matiase (EFF) said that the Bill has to do with property ownership which hinges on her party's fundamental foundational pillar of land ownership under state custodianship. To the extent that we do not have that arrangement in the country, the land is still privately-owned. Therefore, land administration in this country is subject to colonial and exclusionary mechanisms. As the Economic Freedom Fighters, we find it difficult to agree to this Bill until land is entirely transferred to state ownership for common use.

The Chairperson noted the comments of the DA and EFF. He proceeded to read out the Committee Report on the Bill which was a section 76 Bill introduced in the National Assembly on 2 November 2020.

The Report noted that the Bill seeks to amend certain provisions of the Sectional Titles Act. The Committee having deliberated on the contents of the Bill realised that it was necessary to amend provisions of the principal Act, which were not included in the Bill as introduced. The Committee requested permission from the National Assembly to amend other provisions in the Act. Specifically, it sought to amend section 54(2)(c) to remove a requirement for the Sectional Title Regulation Board to include two persons having special knowledge of Sectional Title Development Schemes. The requirement is no longer necessary as the Sectional Titles Scheme Management Act now regulates and manages sectional titles schemes. The National Assembly granted this permission. The Committee has concluded the deliberations and reports the Bill with amendments as agreed to. 

The Committee Report on the Bill was adopted without amendment.

Minutes dated 3 September 2021 were considered and adopted without amendment.

Meeting was adjourned.



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