Election of Chairperson

NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings

31 August 2021
Chairperson: Mr Z Mkiva (ANC, Eastern Cape)
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Meeting Summary

The Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings convened on the virtual platform to elect a new Committee Chairperson as a result of the resignation of Ms Z Ncitha (ANC, Eastern Cape).

Mr Z Mkiva (ANC, Eastern Cape) was duly elected the new Chairperson of the Select Committee.

Meeting report

The Select Committee convened on the virtual platform to elect a new Committee Chairperson.

The Committee Secretary informed Members that the former chairperson Ms Z Ncitha (ANC, Eastern Cape) had resigned, so he would be chairing this meeting temporarily as the Acting Chairperson until the Committee elected a new Chairperson.

The Committee Secretary asked Members to nominate a candidate.

Ms B Bartlett (ANC, Northern Cape) nominated Mr Z Mkiva (ANC, Eastern Cape) as the new Committee Chairperson.

Ms N Nkosi (ANC, Mpumalanga) supported Ms Bartlett’s nomination.

Mr S Zandamela (EFF, Mpumalanga) wanted to check if the Committee had formed a quorum.

The Committee Secretary confirmed that the Committee had the required number of provinces on the platform.

Mr Mkiva accepted Members’ nomination.

The Committee Secretary asked if anyone had any objection to the nomination.

There was no objection.

Mr Mkiva accepted the nomination and was duly elected the new Chairperson of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings.

Members welcomed the newly-elected Chairperson.

The newly-elected Chairperson made his acceptance remarks.

He thanked the Committee Secretary and accepted the position. He expressed sincere gratitude for Members who had shown confidence in him. He thanked the governing party, the African National Congress (ANC), as well as the people of South Africa. He solemnly swore that he would do his best to dedicate himself to this role. He was looking forward to working with Members of the Select Committee and would continue the work of the Committee. He said he would mainstream the best interests of people and the country.

The newly-elected Chairperson opened the floor to Members and asked if they had any inputs

Members congratulated Mr Mkiva on this appointment.

The meeting was adjourned.


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