Report on Oversight visit to KwaZulu-Natal & Gauteng

NCOP Economic Development & Trade

19 August 2021
Chairperson: Mr M Rayi (ANC, Eastern Cape)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee considered and adopted its oversight report with amendments. The report detailed findings, observations and recommendations following the Committee conducting a two-legged fact finding visit to the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) and Gauteng on 03 - 06 August 2021. The visit was prompted mainly by the recent unrest that saw two provinces gripped by a frenzy of looting, arson and violence. The visit targeted primarily small enterprises and informal businesses directly and/or indirectly impacted by the violent looting. The Committee undertook this visit jointly with the Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development, whereas visits to other locations included the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry.

Meeting report

Report of the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour following a fact finding visit to Kaw-Zulu Natal and Gauteng Provinces

Mr Zibele Ngxishe, Committee Researcher, took the Committee through the report starting with the background of the issue, and the economic and social aftermath of the unrest in Kwa-Zulu Natal on 9 July 2021, which spread to Gauteng province on 11 July 2021. He briefly went over the relief package; objective of the fact-finding visit; estimates of the economic impact of the unrest; visits to the various municipalities; SASRIA’s briefing and the Committee’s observations and recommendations.

He suggested that on recommendation 9, the wording should read that the Department of Small Business Development to work in a collaborative manner with the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure to rollout working assets for small enterprises and informal enterprises.

The Chairperson asked that the changes that Mr Ngxishe mentioned, be made at that moment.

Mr Ngxishe answered in the affirmative. On recommendation 10, he proposed using the wording of through the Department rather than repeating the Minister of Small Business Development.

The Chairperson suggested they use the word ‘should’ accelerate and delete the word ‘to’ on the same sentence.

Mr Ngxishe agreed as the point is a recommendation and concluded on presenting the report to the Committee.

The Chairperson asked for comments from the Members before moving to adopt the report.


Mr M Mmoiemang (ANC, Northern Cape), corrected the report on the issue of the KwaMashu petrol station that was guarded. He stated that there was an attempt to breach its security but due to its internal security technology taking effect, it locked itself so the fuel theft could not have happened.

The Chairperson agreed with Mr Mmoiemang and asked that Mr Ngxishe take the Committee through that section again to determine whether it needed to be corrected or if the Committee Researcher had been adding his own views to the report.

Mr Ngxishe clarified that he was not reading from the report on that matter but rather speaking on the issues as he understood them and was confused on that part of the oversight visit. When asked to go back to that part of the report, he commented that it was not in the report.

Mr Mmoiemang stated that he was happy with the corrections and that the report correctly reflected what transpired at the oversight visit. One aspect that required further focus is for the Committee to meet with the business chambers at some point – it is important that the focus is not only on informal traders. He moved for the adoption of the report.

The Chairperson asked Mr Ngxishe to include that aspect in a recommendation to the Minister of Small Business Development in collaboration with the Minister of Trade and Industry so that they convene such a meeting which would then be automatically attended by the business forums and the relevant Committees of Parliament.

He then moved to deal with the report in terms of Rule 155 on quorums and decisions, which he read aloud to the Members.

He affirmed that the meeting was quorate. If five provinces vote in favour of the report then it will be adopted.

The following Members voted in favour of the report:

  • Mr M Mmoiemang (ANC, Northern Cape)
  • M M Moshodi (ANC, Free State)
  • Ms M Mamaregane (ANC, Limpopo)
  • Mr M Dangor (ANC, Gauteng)
  • Mr Rayi (ANC, Eastern Cape)

There were no Members who abstained from voting or voted against the report.

The report was adopted with amendments.

The meeting was adjourned.


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