Western Cape Liquor Authority: board interviews

Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP)

25 February 2021
Chairperson: Mr R Allen (DA)
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Meeting Summary

Video: Standing Committee on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport, 25 February 2021

Candidates were interviewed by the Standing Committee on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport, for a position on the Western Cape Liquor Authority Board.

The interviewees were: Mr TC Arendse; Ms CA Foulis; Mr RI Kingwill; Mr S Maharaj; Mr SM D’Alton; Mr E Willemse; Dr A Grootbom; Mr AH Le Roux; Mr RG Nicholls; Dr C Platzky; Mr NL Qatyana; Mr MT Britz; Ms H Venter; Ms Z Zantsi; Mr J Louw; Prof DJ Visser.

Meeting report

The Chairperson explained that this is a multi-party committee and each Member will ask one question, with the option of asking another clarity-seeking question.

Each interviewee was asked the same set of questions:

Ms L Botha (DA) asked what efficiencies or improvements the candidate would contribute to the Liquor Authority Board, and how they would apply this.

The Chairperson asked what, in the candidate’s view, are the major challenges faced by the Liquor Authority Board.

Mr M Kama (ANC) asked the candidate how the Liquor Authority Board should handle unlicensed and illegal liquor traders. How would the candidate persuade the Board to balance compliance with regulations and reducing alcohol-based harms with the economic contribution of the industry?

Mr G Bosman (DA) asked if the candidate thinks the Liquor Authority Board, in its current format, can stand on its own, without support from the fiscus. Does the candidate think the Authority is financially viable?

Refer to audio for responses.


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