Committee Reports

Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP)

03 February 2021
Chairperson: Mr R Allen (DA)
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Meeting Summary

Video: Standing Committee on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport, 3 February 2021, 09:00

The Standing Committee on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport convened on a virtual platform to consider and adopt its report on its discussion of the 2019/20 annual reports of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport; Heritage Western Cape; Western Cape Language Committee and Western Cape Cultural Commission.

The Committee also considered and adopted four sets of minutes.

The Committee also briefly discussed the schedule of its oversight visits.

Meeting report

Consideration and adoption of the Committee Report: 2019/20 Annual Reports

The procedural officer took the Committee through the report, page by page.

Mr G Bosman (DA) moved for the adoption of the report.

Mr P Marais (FF+) seconded the motion.

The report was adopted with no amendments.

Consideration and adoption of Committee meeting minutes

Minutes dated 6 November 2020

The procedural officer took the Committee through the minutes, page by page.

Mr Marais moved for the adoption of the minutes.

Mr Bosman seconded the motion.

The minutes were adopted with no amendments.

Minutes dated 24 November 2020

The procedural officer took the Committee through the minutes, page by page.

Ms A Bans (ANC) moved for the adoption of the minutes.

Mr Bosman seconded the proposition.

The minutes were adopted with no amendments.

Minutes dated 27 November 2020

The procedural officer took the Committee through the minutes, page by page.

Mr Bosman moved for the adoption of the minutes and another Member seconded the motion.

The minutes were adopted with no amendments.

Minutes dated 4 December 2020

The procedural officer took the Committee through the minutes, page by page.

Mr Bosman moved for the adoption of the minutes and another Member seconded the motion.

The minutes were adopted with no amendments.


The Chairperson informed the Committee that that the month of March would be set aside for appropriations and he encouraged Members to submit suggestions to the procedural officer on the activities of the Committee for the year. He said that various committees, leading up to the State of Province Address (SOPA) 2021, would be visiting Genadendal. The date of 12 February 2021 is penciled for the Committee to visit the Genadendal area for the re-opening of its missionary museum.

Mr Marais suggested that the Committee should visit historical buildings and communities. He reckoned that it was not advisable to visit on the 12th. The whole of Parliament should rather be there on the 17th for SOPA. If Parliament is going to do three visits, other areas that have been visited previously would be unhappy.

The Chairperson said that the visits he is aware of are dated February 12 and 16 and various committees would be using so those dates for their visits. The oversight work of the Committee would be a separate item, just to do justice and see what needs to be done.

Mr Bosman said that the visits would be nothing new because many committees visited Mitchells Plain before SOPA last year. He further asked the Committee to get a detailed report on the processes and procedures followed regarding the sexual harassment report from the Department because the one-page report received by Members was not satisfactory.

The Chairperson indicated that he would write to the Head of Department to get more details.

The meeting was adjourned.


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