Division of Revenue Second Amendment Bill: Final Mandate

Budget Committee (WCPP)

25 November 2020
Chairperson: Mr R Mackenzie (DA) (Acting)
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Meeting Summary


The Budget Committee met on a virtual platform to adopt its final mandate on the Division of Revenue Second Amendment Bill [B24-2020].

Meeting report

The acting Chairperson welcomed Members to the meeting. Apologies were noted and the rules of engagement were explained – all mics and video were to be muted and turned off at the start of the meeting and points of order were to be raised using the chat function.

Final Mandate Report on the Division of Revenue Second Amendment Bill [B24 – 2020]

The Chairperson informed Members that the final mandate report on the Division of Revenue Second Amendment Bill [B24 – 2020] had already been sent to them prior to the current meeting. The Committee needed to adopt the final mandate as the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) wasgoing to be meeting the following day.

Mr R Allen (DA) firmly believed that the Committee was able to adopt the report, however, expressed that he was unsure whether Members were to able express sentiments about the report which were brought up the previous day.

Ms W Philander (DA) seconded this.

Mr L Mvimbi (ANC) asked whether the report still reflected the minority view.

The Chairperson responded that the report indeed still reflected the minority view.

The final mandate report was adopted.

Draft minutes dated 23 November 2020

The draft minutes were adopted

Draft Quarterly Report of the Budget Committee (July – September 2020)

The draft quarterly report was adopted.

The Chairperson thanked the Committee and indicated that the agenda for the meeting had been completed. The Procedural Officers were thanked for their support since Monday and informed that Ms D Baartman would be back in her rightful position as Chairperson at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.   














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