CDA Board Vacancies: Committee Recommendation and Report
Meeting Summary
In this virtual meeting, the Committee considered its Report on the Filling of Vacancies to the Central Drug Authority (CDA) Board.
In accordance with the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act (No. 70 of 2008), the Select Committee on the recommendation by the Sub-Committee resolved that the following thirteen candidates be recommended to both Houses of Parliament, to be appointed by the Minister of Social Development to serve the CDA for a period of five years:
- Mr Devon Clife De Koker
- Mr Peter Ucko
- Ms Elna Japisa Mathonsi
- Mr Thabo Zacharia Morabe
- Ms Nyameka Mayathula-Khoza
- Ms Matlhogonolo Sobeng Sophia Maboe
- Ms Rachel Mmadikeledi Motsepe
- Ms Nomcebo Alice Dlamini
- Mr Samasivan Pillay
- Ms Dareleen James
- Dr Gurunathen Kistnasamy
- Ms Nomathemba Elaine Kela
- Rev. Mlahleki Reuben Sokana
The Report was adopted without amendments.
Meeting report
The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the consideration of Report of the Committee on the filling of vacancies to the Central Drug Authority Board (CDA). She invited the Content Advisor to take the Committee through the report.
Committee Report on the Filling of Vacancies to the Central Drug Authority (CDA) Board
Ms Thabile Ketye, Committee Content Advisor, highlighted that a request from the Minister of Social Development to fill thirteen vacancies at the CDA, was jointly referred to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development and the Select Committee on Social Services on 25 April 2018.
Process undertaken
On 6 March 2019, the Portfolio Committee on Social Development resolved to extend the term of office of CDA members for a period of six months (1 April 2019 to 30 September 2019). Due to time constraints and other priorities the Committees were not able to start with the recruitment process as per the request mentioned above. The 5th term of Parliament ended in March 2019, which halted the process. The process resumed in August 2019.
On 27 August 2019, the Sub-Committee received a briefing from the Department of Social Development on the appointment of members to serve on the CDA. It resolved that due to time that had lapsed from when the call for nomination was advertised by the Department to the time of the meeting, the Department should re-advertise to avoid legal implications of extending the term of the Board yet again. Further, the Sub-Committee agreed that the process should be expedited. The Committee then extended the term of the board until end of January 2020 or until the appointment of the new board or whichever came first.
At the beginning of October 2019, the Department advertised in various local, regional and national newspapers, inviting applications for persons to serve on the CDA. The deadline for applications was 31 October 2019.
Establishment of the Sub-Committee
The Sub-Committee on the appointment of the CDA members was established in terms of the NA Rule 172 and NCOP Rule 106. The Sub-Committee was chaired by both Chairpersons (of the Select Committee on Health and Social Services, and Portfolio Committee on Social Development).
Selection Criteria for Shortlisting
Following thorough scrutiny of the CVs, the Sub-Committee unanimously shortlisted 26 candidates (from the received 64 nominations and CVs).
The selection criteria for the shortlisting of candidates was discussed in an open meeting. The first phase of shortlisting took place on 11 September 2020 and led to a preliminary shortlist of 41 candidates. Subsequently, the Sub-Committee completed the shortlisting process on 18 September and shortlisted26 candidates.
Interview guidelines and process
The Sub-Committee interviewed 21 candidates between 3 and 5 November 2020. During the interviews, all 21 candidates were assessed based on the interview guidelines. The Sub-Committee agreed that only Members who participated in the interview process would be eligible to deliberate in the process of recommending suitable candidates to the CDA and to report to the principal Committees.
On 13 November 2020, the Sub-Committee considered the draft report on the entire recruitment process. It also deliberated on the letter of grievance it received from one candidate. It resolved not to deliberate on the letter and wait for legal advice. It then recommended thirteen candidates.
In accordance with the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act (No. 70 of 2008), the Select Committee on the recommendation by the Sub-Committee resolves that the following thirteen candidates be recommended to both Houses of Parliament, to be appointed by the Minister of Social Development to serve the CDA for a period of five years:
- Mr Devon Clife De Koker
- Mr Peter Ucko
- Ms Elna Japisa Mathonsi
- Mr Thabo Zacharia Morabe
- Ms Nyameka Mayathula-Khoza
- Ms Matlhogonolo Sobeng Sophia Maboe
- Ms Rachel Mmadikeledi Motsepe
- Ms Nomcebo Alice Dlamini
- Mr Samasivan Pillay
- Ms Dareleen James
- Dr Gurunathen Kistnasamy
- Ms Nomathemba Elaine Kela
- Rev. Mlahleki Reuben Sokana
The Chairperson noted there were no comments from Members and put the Report up for adoption.
Ms N Ndongeni (ANC, Eastern Cape) moved for its adoption.
Ms A Maleka (ANC, Mpumalanga) seconded.
The Report was adopted without amendments.
The Chairperson gave assurances that the Committee had complied with all sections of the relevant Act in its recommendation of candidates for the appointment to serve on the CDA. She thanked Members for their full participation and appreciated the Committee Staff’s hard-work. The Committee report will be sent to the Minister for consideration.
The meeting was adjourned.
Gillion, Ms M Chairperson
Bara, Mr M R
DA -
Christians, Dr. DC
DA -
Luthuli, Ms SA
Maleka, Ms AD
Nchabeleng, Mr ME
Ndongeni, Ms N
Ntsube, Mr I
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