POSTPONED: Internal Committee Capacity Development Programme focusing on Trade and Industry Policy

NCOP Economic Development & Trade

10 November 2020
Chairperson: Mr M Rayi (ANC, Eastern Cape)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee did not have a quorum and the meeting was postponed to a later date.

Meeting report

The Members in attendance did not form a quorum

The Chairperson said it makes sense that workshop be rescheduled the workshop to a day where all Members could be attend. He apologised to those Members present. He suspected that because the by-election is tomorrow, Members are busy with preparations today and in hindsight, the Committee should not have scheduled a meeting today. This was a miscalculation and he apologised for it.

The Chairperson had connection issues so some of what he said was lost.

The Secretariat of the Committee agreed to communicate this to the relevant stakeholders.

The Chairperson requested the Secretariat send a written apology to the relevant stakeholders.

This was agreed to

Ms S Boshoff (DA, Mpumalanga) asked to be excused.

Mr E Landsman (ANC, North West) said the Chairperson’s connection was poor and he could not hear.

The Chairperson explained that his network is poor because he is in a different area as a result of the by-election.

The Chairperson agreed that the meeting would be postponed given the challenges of not meeting quorum - this would only make sense.

The Secretariat agreed that it was the correct position of the Committee because the meeting cannot proceed without the required quorum. The meeting will likely be postponed to next Wednesday.  

Mr Landsman agreed to the position.

The meeting was adjourned.






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