Agricultural Research Council Board Report


19 April 2000
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

19 April 2000

Documents Handed Out
1. Sub Committee Report on recommendations to the ARC Board (Appendix 1)
2. Director General Agriculture comments on the IPAAF

The Committee adopted the report of the sub committee set up to recommend nominations to the Board of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC).

The Committee further agreed to hold a meeting in future with the Department of Agriculture on the implications of joining the International Parliamentary Association of Agriculture and Fisheries (IPAAF). The Committee was informed that the final consent to joining the IPAAF would need to be passed through the Joint Rules Committee before being approved by both Houses of Parliament.

Appendix 1
The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Land Affairs Sub - Committee:
At meetings held on the 17 and 18 February, 2000, in Gauteng, Pretoria, the Sub-Committee Agriculture and Land Affairs (National Assembly ) and the Sub-Committee of the Select Committee on Land, Agriculture and Environmental Affairs (National Council of Provinces) interviewed the following nominees for appointment to the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC):

Mr C J du Toit
Mr J E Grobler
Dr M M Wolfson
Mr J Z Celliers
Mr Pila Qina
Prof J Kirsten (NAMC)
Prof P Dlamini (NAMC)
Mr Andile Hawes
Dr A N Karodia
Prof R Krecec
Prof T Mariba
Mr M T Makhura
Mr J V van Vuren
Mr M H Mojalefa
Prof L van Huyssteen
Ms N Pitso
Dr S Permal (NAMC)
Prof G Erasmus
Dr A E Nesamvuni
Ms Fatima Allie
Prof Frans Swanepoel and
Mr P C Luttig

After the interviews the Committee delivberated and agreed that the following names be recommended to the Minister of ALA for appointment to the ARC in order of preference:

Mr J E Grobler
Dr A M Korodia
Dr A E Nesamvini
Prof F Swanepoel
Ms A Nyarnanda -Pitso
Mr J z Celliers
Mr P Qina
Mr C J Du Toit
Prof M J Mariba
Mr A H Hawes
Dr L van Huyssteen
Prof G L Erasmus
Mr M T Makhura
Dt M H Woltson
Mr J J van Vuuren
Mr P C Luttig

(The Agriculture Research Act, 1990, allows the Minister to appoint a maximum of 16 people to the ARC and a minimum of 9, the Minister may use her discretion in deciding the number of candidates to be appointed to the council.)


Prof J Kirsten
Prof P M Diamini
Dr J Perumal

The Minister informed the Portfolio Committee that she decided to appoint the following people as members of the Council of the ARC, in terms of section 9 (1) (b) of the Act:

Celliers J, Mr
Grobler J E, Mr
Hawes Andile, Mr
Makhura M T, Mr
Mariba T J, Prof
Nesainvuni A M, Dr
Nyamande-Pitso A, Ms
Swanepoel Frans, Prof
van Huysteen L, Dr

The Minister also asked that the Committee deliberate on the following people for appointment to the Council:

1. Dr C N MacVicar,
2. Mrs Anna Boshoff,
3. Mr MHV Mojalefa.

The Sub-Committees met on Friday, 7 April 2000, and agreed to the three (3) names proposed by the Minister for appointment to the ARC.



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