Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill: Committee Report

Budget Committee (WCPP)

28 July 2020
Chairperson: Ms D Baartman (DA)
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Meeting Summary

Video: BUDGET COMMITTEE, 28 JULY 2020, 13:00

In a virtual meeting, the Budget Committee adopted its Draft Committee Report on the Western Cape Adjustment Appropriation (Covid-19) Bill and Draft Committee minutes.

The Bill and Committee Report were adopted without amendments. The ANC and Al Jama-ah did not support the Bill.

Meeting report

Report Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Report on the Western Cape Adjustment Appropriation (Covid-19) Bill 2020/21

The Chairperson took the Committee through the document, page by page.

Mr G Bosman (DA) indicated he was in favour of the draft Report and suggested the Committee should support the 14 Budget Votes.

Mr R Mackenzie (DA) seconded the motion.

Ms D Nkondlo (ANC) stated the ANC was expressing its minority view, as in Rule 90, not to support the Bill.

Mr G Brinkhuis (Al Jama-Ah) expressed a minority view not to support the Bill. He further suggested that, in going forward, the Budget Committee should consider allocating budget to wards in the municipalities.

The Chairperson stated the budget of the wards does not fall under the competency of the province. She stated she also was in favour of the Bill and then read the Committee the wording of the Report to ensure Members were satisfied with the content of it.

Members agreed to the content of the Report.

The Bill and Report were adopted with no amendments.

Adoption of Minutes

Committee Minutes dated 23 July 2020

The Chairperson took the Members through the document, page by page.

The minutes were adopted with no amendments.

The meeting was adjourned.


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