Health & Social Development Budget: Committee Reports

NCOP Social Services

13 July 2020
Chairperson: Ms M Gillion (ANC, Western Cape)
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Meeting Summary

Video: Select Committee on Health and Social Services, 13 July 2020

Tabled Committee Reports

The Select Committee on Health and Social Services met to consider and adopt its reports on the adjustment budget votes for the Department of Health and Department of Social Development. Both Reports were adopted without amendment.

The Committee also considered and adopted a number of sets of meeting minutes.

Meeting report

Consideration and adoption of the Report of the Select Committee on Health and Social Services on the Adjusted Budget Vote 18 of the Department of Health

The Chairperson requested the Committee Secretary to read through the observations of the Report.

The Secretary read the Report and highlighted that under the observations, the Committee welcomed the Report of the Department of Health and noted with concern the surge of Covid19 cases in the country. The Committee also noted with concern the shortage of staff, shortage of personal protective clothing and intensive care unit beds in most health care facilities in the country. It was also observed that R21 billion will be allocated to provinces for the Covid19 response and Members raised concerns on whether the provinces will be assisted. The Committee also observed that provinces be allocated equitably in terms of funds and noted with concern the severe shortages of medical personnel and ambulances in some provinces in the country.  It was also observed that there was a lack of isolation centers in most areas around the country and Members were concerned about psychological support given, or not given, to affected health care workers.

The Chairperson asked for the Report to be adopted.

Ms A Maleka (ANC, Mpumalanga) moved for the adoption of the Report

Ms S Lehihi (EFF, North West) seconded the motion.

The Chairperson declared the Report duly adopted.                   

Consideration and adoption of the Report of the Select Committee on Health and Social Services on the Budget Vote 19 of the Department of Social Development

The Committee Secretary took Members through the Report and said the Committee observed that there was a need for provincial departments to account to Parliament concerning funds allocated to them. The Committee also noted with concern the high backlog of application grants at the Department, overcrowding at SASSA offices, and the need to have the internet at these offices and those in the rural areas. It was noted that the Annual Performance Plan of the Department did not include targets on the employment of additional social workers. The Committee also observed that the target on social workers was revised from 500 to 180 when the country is in desperate need of social services.

 The Committee recommended that the backlog on applications for grants is expedited and cleared and that the Department's human resources work on retaining and employing more social workers. The Department was also advised to have clear plans on dealing with gender-based violence and provide the necessary support to early childhood development. The Minister was advised to monitor closely the funds allocated to address poverty, women, and children's issues.

The Chairperson asked for the Report to be adopted.

Ms N Ndongeni (ANC, Eastern Cape) moved for the adoption of the Report

Ms D Christians (DA, Northern Cape) seconded the motion.

The Chairperson declared the Report duly adopted.                   

Consideration and adoption of Committee minutes (23 April – 8 July 2020)    

Consider and adopt committee minutes (23rd of April 2020-8 July 2020)
The Committee considered and adopted 12 sets of Committee minutes.
The Chairperson thanked Members for attending and encouraged them to educate their communities on the need to adhere to the health regulations as highlighted by the President in his address to the nation. She asked the Members to stay safe.

The meeting was 


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