Committee Report on Western Cape Appropriation Bill: Vote 13

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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to finalise its Report on the Western Cape Appropriation Bill (B1 -2020) Vote 13: Cultural Affairs and Sport.

The Committee also adopted its oversight reports and outstanding minutes.

Meeting report

The Committee received apologies from Ms A Bans (ANC) and Ms R Windvogel (ANC) who might be late.

The Chairperson stated the purpose of the meeting was to finalise and consider its report on Vote 13: Cultural Affairs and Sport in terms of the Western Cape Appropriation Bill, 2020.

Committee Report on Vote 13: Cultural Affairs and Sport

The Chairperson took the Committee through the Report:

“As per the vote, the Report on the Standing Committee of Cultural Affairs and Sport, in the schedule of the Western Cape Appropriation Bill, having deliberated on the subject of Vote 13, referred to the Committee in terms of Standing Rule 188, either supports or does not support the Vote.”

He asked for proposals from the Members.

Ms L Botha (DA) motioned to support the Vote in terms of Standing Rule 188.

Mr G Bosman (DA) seconded the motion.

The Chairperson read out the report:

“The Standing Committee on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport, having deliberated on the subject of Vote 13, Cultural Affairs and Sport in the schedule of the Western Cape Appropriation Bill (B3-2020), Referred to the Committee in terms of Standing Rule 188, reports that it supports the Vote.”

The Report would reflect the Committee supported the Vote.

Committee Minutes dated 11 March 2020

The Committee adopted its minutes dated 11 March 2020 with the following amendments: 3.1. should read “send” instead of “sends”, “condolence” should be in its plural form as “condolences” and Mr Bosman proposed that the Committee sends a letter of condolences and flowers.

Committee Oversight Report

The Committee then considered it oversight report. The Chairperson reminded Members that those who attended the visit would be aware the Committee invited the Department of Education and Social Development to the Waves of Change Project in Muizenburg. The Report was circulated via email.

Members would recall that directly after the engagement, a request was made that if there were any additional recommendations, for them to be sent via email.

Ms Botha directed the Committee’s attention to page four, where the delegation recommended. She proposed the Committee write to the Department of Community Safety and with 4.2 and 4.3, request the Department liaise with the Waves of Change Project.

The Oversight Report was adopted with the amendments.

The meeting was adjourned.





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