Committee Report on Oversight Visit

NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries

04 December 2019
Chairperson: Mr M Nchabeleng (ANC; Limpopo)
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Meeting Summary

Members discussed recent media reports about allegations of corruption at Robben Island Museum and it was agreed that the Committee would meet with the Robben Island Museum board in 2020. The oversight report was considered and it was agreed that Members would be given time until 13 December 2019 to make submissions for amendments to the oversight report.

Meeting report

Mr M Bara (DA; Gauteng) said that a lot was happening on Robben Island in terms of allegations of corruption. He asked if there was any chance the Select Committee could meet with the Robben Island board who should make a presentation to the Committee in the new year.

The Chairperson answered that he had seen this in media reports and that it was worrying and therefore he thought Mr Bara’s suggestion would be a good thing to do.

Mr Bara added that he thought the best way to tackle the matter was to have a joint meeting with the National Assembly committee.

The Chairperson commented that Robben Island was very important to this country.

Committee Oversight Report
The Oversight Report was considered by the Committee.

Ms S Luthuli (EFF; KZN) asked if members could be given more time until the 13 December 2019 to make submissions for amendments to the oversight report.

Ms M Gillion (ANC; Western Cape) seconded Ms Luthuli’s suggestion.

The Chairperson answered that he was worried that the committee would present a document in parliament which would be different to what was discussed. He suggested that if what Ms Luthuli and Ms Gillion suggested was to happen, the committee needed to meet in the new year before they presented to parliament. He added that a meeting would only be necessary if substantial amendments needed to be made to the oversight report. The oversight report was adopted with no amendments.

Committee minutes
The Select Committee considered the minutes of 9 and 30 October; 6, 13, 20 and 27 November 2019

Ms S Luthuli (EFF; KZN) asked if the committee meetings required a quorum.

The Chairperson replied it depended on the agenda.

Mr Bara asked if there was anything that guided the Committee on what steps to take if a Member was constantly absent?

The Chairperson answered that this would be considered. More information would be obtained about standing apologies.

Closing comments
The Chairperson thanked members of the Select Committee’s support staff for their hard work and dedication. Committee members also thanked the support staff. Mr Bara reflected that the Committee worked well together and said that in comparison to other committees this one did not carry its party colours and instead focused on the job at hand.

Committee members wished each other well for the festive season.

Meeting adjourned.


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