Joint Committee Report on Western Cape oversight

NCOP Social Services

03 December 2019
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Meeting Summary

The Committee considered the Joint Committee Report on Western Cape oversight and its Programme for the first term of 2020 which it adopted.

Meeting report

Joint Committee Report on Western Cape oversight
The Chairperson asked if Members were satisfied with the report content that had been sent via e-mail.

Ms N Ndongeni (ANC; Eastern Cape) said that she had a problem with the font used in the report.

Mr M Nchabeleng (ANC; Limpopo) asked when the report would be presented for those who had not yet read it. It should be done a week before the debate to avoid the risk of adopting a report without Members having read it.

The adoption of the Committee Report would be delayed pending discussion that still needed to take place.

Mr Nchabeleng suggested that a deadline be set for changes to the Joint Committee Report on Western Cape oversight.

Ms D Christians (DA; Northern Cape) agreed and suggested 13 December 2019 as the cut-off date.

Committee Programme: 1st Term 2020

The Committee Secretary took Members through the draft programme:

Tuesday 04 February 2020

This date was open as the agenda was being covered in the present meeting.

11 February 2020

Shortlisting of National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) board members. The Committee Secretary explained that both the Portfolio on Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities and this Committee had meetings scheduled for Tuesdays and both needed to be accommodated for this process.

13 February 2020

State of the Nation Address (SONA)

18 February 2020

National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill: briefing. The Committee Secretary said that the Portfolio Committee hearings on the NHI Bill should be wrapped up shortly and the Bill was expected to be referred to the Select Committee by late January. She had not structured a programme for the Bill as it had not yet been received.

24 February to 28 February 2020

A preliminary proposed international study tour to Chile and Argentine was scheduled. This Committee on Health and the Select Committee of Education and Recreation would participate in the study on universal health coverage.

03 March to 4 March 2020

NCOP Strategic Planning Session. Interviews for NYDA shortlisted candidates would also take place. Members involved in the NYDA interviews may be excused from the strategy planning session.

10 March 2020

NYDA board candidate deliberations

17 March 2020

Report back session on “Taking Parliament to the People: Gauteng” and adoption of the Committee Report on the Filling of NYDA Vacancies.

23 March – 13 April 2020

Constituency period


Mr Nchabeleng asked if the international study tour did not clash with the date of the NYDA interviews.

Ms S Luthuli (EFF; KZN) suggested that there was a clash of dates as the 28 February NYDA shortlisting process could take two to three days.

Mr M Bara (ANC; Gauteng) suggested that the programme be adopted as consideration is given for sub-committees. He proposed that a balance be struck between the different priorities.

Mr Nchabeleng cautioned that when it came to international trips, Parliament may not approve, if other urgent matters needed to be dealt with. The Committee should ensure that there is a gap between the date of the trip and other matters.

The Chairperson replied that the tour could not be delayed as it must happen before the NHI Bill was passed. The motivation for the tour must be strong. She was of the opinion that the date of the tour should remain and that it would not be impacted by the NYDA shortlisting process.

Mr Nchabeleng emphasised that the motivation should be very strong as it involved preparation for legislation.

Ms Ndongeni proposed that the learning aspect of the tour should be highlighted in the motivation. 

The draft programme for the first term of 2020 was adopted by the Committee.

Committee Minutes
The Committee adopted the meeting minutes of 8, 29 October and 5 and 12 November 2019

Mr Nchabeleng noted that Mr Ntsube was marked absent for all the meetings. He proposed an addendum to reflect that the member had not been removed from the Committee.

Closing Remarks

The Chairperson thanked members for their cooperation, contributions and hard work over the last two terms. She said that the Committee dealt professionally with important issues.

The meeting was adjourned. 



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