Committee Report on 2018/19 Annual Reports of Provincial Treasury & Entity: Western Cape Gambling & Racing Board

Finance (WCPP)

12 November 2019
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Meeting Summary

The Committee considered and adopted the draft Committee Report on the 2018/19 Annual Reports of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism and its entity: the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board for the year ended 31 March 2019 with no amendments.

Meeting report

Adoption of draft Committee Report on the 2018/19 Annual Reports of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism and its entities: Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board

The Chairperson welcomed everyone and put the Committee Report up for adoption.

Mr D Mitchell (DA) moved for its adoption.

Ms N Nkondlo (ANC) seconded.

The Committee Report was adopted without amendments.  

The meeting was adjourned.


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