Public Enterprises Budget: Committee Report

Public Enterprises

10 July 2019
Chairperson: Mr K Magaxa (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises met to consider and adopt outstanding minutes and the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on Budget Vote 9: Public Enterprises, and the Annual Performance Plan for 2019/20 of the Department of Public Enterprises, Dated 10 July 2019.

The Draft Report was adopted with amendments. The DA reserved its right to vote.

Committee minutes dated 2 and 3 July 2019 were adopted with amendments. Members emphasised the importance of having accurately captured minutes which would give readers a full understanding and context of discussions the Committee engaged in.

Meeting report

Opening Remarks

The Chairperson welcomed everyone and noted apologies received. He declared that the purpose of the meeting was to consider and adopt the outstanding Committee minutes and the draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on Budget Vote 9: Public Enterprises, and the Annual Performance Plan for 2019/20 of the Department of Public Enterprises, Dated 10 July 2019. He advised the Committee that he will table the draft Report individually for consideration followed by the Committee minutes for consideration.

Consideration and adoption of the draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on Budget Vote 9: Public Enterprises, and the Annual Performance Plan for 2019/20 of the Department of Public Enterprises, Dated 10 July 2019

The Chairperson took the Committee through the document page-by-page.

Ms N Mazzone (DA) reserved her right on behalf of the DA stating that the party would first have to formulate its views on the Report.

The Report was adopted with amendments.

Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Minutes dated 2 July 2019

The Chairperson took the Committee through the minutes page by page

The Chairperson requested the minutes capture Ms D Dlamini (ANC) as present.

The Committee adopted its minutes dated 2 July 2019 with amendments.

Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Minutes dated 3 July 2019

The Chairperson took the Committee through the minutes page by page.

Ms Mazzone pointed out it is imperative that the minutes always reflect matters that are discussed in the meeting. She offered assistance with regards to formulation to accurate reflect the discussion.

Ms J Tshabalala (ANC) echoed Ms Mazzone and assisted with few grammatical errors.

Members expressed concerns regarding written vagueness of the minutes. It was said that the minutes required more context for those who were not present at the meeting, to fully grasp the context of the meeting.

The Committee implored that the Committee staff knuckle down when it comes to minutes and the level of detail to include to convey the discussion of the Committee accurately.

Members felt the minutes had to be revised to include some contextual framework where needed.

Committee minutes dated 3 July 2019 were adopted with amendments.

Other Business

The Committee Secretary announced there will be an induction for the Committee and the date will be communicated.

The meeting was adjourned.





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