Committee Programme

NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings

10 July 2019
Chairperson: Ms Z Ncitha (ANC; Eastern Cape)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to consider and adopt its first term programme. Members raised concern about the start time of some meetings given traffic and that Members arrive by bus, while other Members were concerned about the clash between some meetings and plenary sittings. Members were assured that there would be buses and that there would not be any clashes.

The Committee agreed to adopt its first term programme as a draft until reevaluation next week.

The Committee also considered and adopted its outstanding minutes dated 26 June 2019 with a minor amendment.

Meeting report

Opening Remarks

The Chairperson apologised for her late arrival.  She noted the Committee will have some hard work ahead and the upcoming term will be busy.  She asked that moving forward, the Committee remains flexible.

Consideration of First Term Committee Programme

The Chairperson asked for comments from the Committee.

Ms M Mmola (ANC; Mpumalanga) was concerned about the 08:00 meeting time on Wednesday, 17 July 2019 given traffic and that many Members arrive by bus,

The Chairperson ensured that there are two busses, and there will be enough time.

Ms S Shaikh (ANC; Limpopo) was also concerned about the start time of the Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 17 July 2019, as she was also scheduled to attend the Select Committee on Security and Justice. She also noted that on Wednesday, 24 July 2019, the Committee should be in plenary at 14:00.

The Committee Secretary, Mr Nkanyiso Mkhize, explained that he consulted his colleague ,Mr Gurshwyn Dixon, Secretary of the Select Committee on Security and Justice, and ensured Ms Shaikih that she will have time between both meetings.

On 24 July 2019 meeting, Mr Mkhize does not expect the Committee to meet for more than two hours.

The Chairperson ensured there is enough time for the meeting and plenary.

Mr T Dodovu (ANC) proposed the Committee adopts this programme as a draft, and next week the Committee reevaluates the draft to ensure all Members are aware of any changes.

Mr A Gxoyiya (ANC) seconded the proposal.

Consideration and Adoption of Outstanding Committee Minutes Dated 26 June 2019

The Chairperson led the Committee in the consideration of outstanding minutes.

Mr I Sileku (DA) asked that his prefix be changed from ‘Ms’ to ‘Mr’.  He moved for adoption of the Committee minutes dated 26 June 2019 with the amendment.

Ms Mmola seconded the motion.

Mr Dodovu requested the minutes are amended to accurately reflect his attendance.

The minutes were adopted with the two amendments.

The meeting was adjourned. 

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