Election of Chairperson


02 July 2019
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Meeting Summary

The Committee convened to elect its Chairperson. After due processes were observed as per the National Assembly Rules, Mr M Mandela (ANC) was elected unopposed as the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.  

The Committee also considered and adopted its Programme for the term without amendment.  

Meeting report

Election of Chairperson
The Committee Secretary, Ms Albertina Kakaza, welcomed everyone present and informed Members the business of the day was to elect the Chairperson of the Committee. She indicated she would call for nominations from Members and each Member must state his or her full name when nominating another Member and the full names of the Member that he/she is nominating.

The Secretary called for nominations.

Ms N Mahlo (ANC) nominated Mr M Mandela (ANC) as Chairperson of the Committee.  The nomination was seconded by Ms G Sindane (ANC).

There were no further nominations.

Mr Mandela was elected unopposed as the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.

Chairperson’s remarks
The Chairperson thanked Members for the opportunity to chair the Committee noting it is a great honour. He was humbled by the responsibility bestowed on him and he would discharge his duties to the best of his abilities. Members are deployed to Parliament to take charge, to hold the Executive accountable and pass legislation. He said it is an honour to serve the people of the Republic of South Africa through the National Assembly.

Consideration of the Committee Programme
It was noted that the Committee would convene again later in the afternoon to receive a sectoral overview and the budget analysis presentation by the support staff in preparation of the budget vote debate. The meeting would take place in G26, New Wing Building, at 14h00.

On 3 July 2019, the Committee would be briefed on the Annual Performance Plans and Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry along with its entities. The meeting will start at 09h30 and might conclude at 18h00 in the evening.

On 10 July 2019, the Committee is scheduled to meet at 09h00 to consider and adopt the Committee Budget Vote Report. All Members were urged to attend that meeting.

The Budget Vote Debate is scheduled to take place on 16 July 2019. The Budget Vote will be divided into two - Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as well as Rural Development and Land Reform.  

The Chairperson submitted the Committee programme to Members for adoption.

The Committee adopted the programme without amendment.

The meeting was adjourned.


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