Election of Chairperson; Committee programme

Public Enterprises

02 July 2019
Chairperson: Mr K Magaxa (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee elected Mr Magaxa as Chairperson for the 6th Parliament.

The Committee considered and adopted its programme.

Meeting report

Election of Chairperson

The Committee Secretary presided over the election of the Chairperson. Before the election, he noted that the Committee should utilise this time to consider its draft programs and the elected Chairperson would have to facilitate that process.

The Secretary set out the election process which entails nominating a candidate and if that candidate accepts the nomination, the next step would be for Members second the nomination a. If there was more than one nominee, the Members would have to vote by a show of hands.

Ms J Tshabalala (ANC) nominated Mr K Magaxa (ANC).

Mr Magaxa accepted the nomination.

 \Mr S Gumede (ANC) seconded the nomination.

There were no further nominations and Mr Magaxa was thus declared the Committee Chairperson for the Sixth Parliament.

The Chairperson thanked the Members for the election. He stated that the Committee has a common purpose and shares a common understanding of what is expected. Respect and understanding are paramount to achieving the mandate of the Committee which is to improve the state of South African enterprises and to ensure that they are run efficiently and without corruption. He then allowed Members to introduce themselves.

Committee programme

The Secretary facilitated the consideration of the Committee’s programme. On the following day, the Department would appear before the Committee to discuss inter alia, its annual performance plans (APP), its budget and mandate. Thereafter the Committee will draft a report and next Wednesday that report will be adopted with recommendations.

On the 11th , there will be a debate and the report will be published there. On the 17th , there will be an in-house induction which could have happened today but time did not permit.

On the week of the 24th, there was a suggestion that the Department must brief the Committee on its challenges and oversight mechanisms. Although it is a Department, it does perform oversight.

Ms Tshabalala stated that it was unfortunate that everything was being done in very little time and suggested that the program be adopted.

Mr S Swart (ACDP) mentioned that the Committee won an award last year. He suggested that since a lot is being done on the week of the 24th, some of that work could be done on the 10th because adopting a report is easy.

Mr E Marais (DA) stated that he would not be available on the 25th because he was leaving the country.

Ms D Dlamini (ANC) agreed with Ms Tshabalala that the programme be adopted.

The programme was adopted and the meeting adjourned.


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