Election of Chairperson

NCOP Economic Development & Trade

26 June 2019
Chairperson: Mr M Rayi (ANC; Eastern Cape)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee elected Mr Rayi to be its chairperson.

Meeting report

The Committee Secretary, Ms Grace Dinizulu, informed members the Committee would be electing its Chairperson. She reminded the Committee that Rule 91 of the NCOP (National Council of Provinces) states that the Committee must elect one of its own members to be the chairperson at its first meeting. She said the procedure dictates the Committee Secretary to call for nominations and a seconder from the floor. If there is only one nomination, the person would be declared as the Chairperson of the Committee. But if there is more than one nomination, the names of the nominees would be put to a vote by a show of hands. After the end of the vote, the nominee with the majority of votes would be declared as the Chairperson of the Committee. Members can only vote once.

The Committee Secretary then called for the nominations.

Ms L Moshodi (Free State, ANC) nominated Mr M Rayi to be the Chairperson of the Committee.

Mr M Dangor (Gauteng, ANC) seconded her.

There were no objections. Mr Rayi accepted the nomination.

The Chairperson indicated that when they meet as the Committee Management they would draft the Committee Draft Programme which would be circulated to the members when completed. The departments would be invited soon to present their Annual Performance Plans. He further indicated the Committee would decide which meetings would be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The Committee Programme would also focus on the outstanding pieces of legislation that were in the National Assembly before the elections. Each committee would have its own oversight programme.

Members congratulated the Chairperson and wished him success in his position.

The meeting was adjourned.


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