National Gambling Amendment Bill: final mandate; Committee Report on Quarterly Performance

Finance (WCPP)

19 March 2019
Chairperson: Mr D Joseph (DA)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to consider and adopt the final mandate report on the National Gambling Amendment Bill. The Committee supported the Bill, and in terms of rule 86, the African National Congress expressed its minority view to support the Bill with the exception of clause 63 A.

Meeting report

National Gambling Amendment Bill

The Chairperson said that the purpose of the meeting was to consider and adopt the final mandate report on the National Gambling Amendment Bill.

He said that there was need to do a final mandate. The Committee had received the report from the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). There were a few provinces that had suggested amendments.  He asked the Members if there were any new comments to be debated, other than what the NCOP had given the Committee.

Mr P Uys (ANC) said that from the African National Congress side, in terms of rule 86, the ANC expressed its minority view to support the Bill, with the exception of clause 63 A.

The Chairperson said that the position from the Democratic Alliance (DA) would be the same.

He read the Committee report, which stated:

Having considered the subject of the National Gambling Amendment Bill B2-2019, a section 76 Bill of the NCOP, referred to the Committee in terms of standing rule 220, it recommends that the House confers on the Western Cape delegation to the NCOP, the authority to support the Bill. In terms of rule 86, the ANC expresses its minority view to support the Bill, with the exception of clause 36 A.

The meeting was adjourned


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