Western Cape Appropriation Bill: Community Safety budget

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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to consider and adopt the report on Vote Four (Community Safety) of the Western Cape Appropriation Bill.  The Committee supported the Vote. However, the African National Congress expressed its minority party view to not support the vote.

Meeting report

Vote Four (Community Safety)

The Chairperson asked for proposals from the Members.

Mr D Mitchell (DA) supported the Vote.

Ms P Lekker (ANC) said that the African National Congress (ANC) would like to express its minority view to not support the Vote.

The Chairperson said that the Committee report would reflect that the Committee supported the Vote, and it would also reflect that minority view of the ANC.

The Chairperson read out the Committee report:

“The Standing Committee on Community Safety, having deliberated on the subject of Vote Four (Community Safety) in the schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B1-2019], referred to the Committee in terms standing rule 187, reports that it supports the Vote. In terms of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament rule 86, the African National Congress expressed its minority view to not support the vote.”

Other Committee matters

The Committee adopted the minutes of its meetings dated 7 and 13 March.

It also amended and adopted two other reports. These included the recommendation for the appointment of a candidate to the governing body of the Western Cape Liquor Authority, and the policing needs and priorities cluster report.

The meeting was adjourned.


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