National Public Health Institute of South Africa Bill [B16B-2017]: final mandates; with Minister

NCOP Social Services

26 February 2019
Chairperson: Ms L Dlamini (ANC, Mpumalanga)
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Meeting Summary

The Select Committee on Social Services met to consider the final mandates on the National Public Health Institute of South Africa Bill [B16B-2017].

The Committee noted that the Bill had been referred to it on 28 August 2018, and from that time a briefing had been received, advertisements for public comments had been published, and public hearings had taken place.

Final mandates were read out, and the Chairperson noted that seven provinces were in support, indicating that the Bill was supported by all the provinces. The Select Committee’s official report would be read to the House at its next sitting.


Meeting report

Final mandates

Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister of Health, informed the Committee that he was expected at an event at the Groote Schuur Hospital at 11:00 am, and sought permission to be excused at 10:45 am. The Committee assured the Minister that the meeting would not take long and voted to excuse the Minister as requested if it did.

The Chairperson said that nothing more could be done on the National Public Health Institute of South Africa Bill, as amendments had already been made and if further amendments were to be made by the Committee, the Bill may be lost. The Bill had been referred to Committee on 28 August 2018, and a briefing had been received on 23 October, after which advertisements for public comments had been published and public hearings organized, leading up to this point.

So far, six final mandates had been received in writing, and mandates from the North West, Gauteng and Limpopo provinces were expected.  Limpopo Province would express its broad position on the Bill at the meeting.

The Chairperson requested the Provinces present to read out their final mandates on the National Public Health Institute of South Africa Bill.

Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature

Ms P Samka (ANC, Eastern Cape ) said the Eastern Cape Province supported the Bill without any proposed amendments.

Free State Provincial Legislature

The Chairperson said the Free State Province voted in support of the Bill without any proposed amendments.

KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legislature

The Chairperson said the KwaZulu-Natal Province voted in support of Bill without any proposed amendments.

Limpopo Provincial Legislature

Ms T Mampuru (ANC, Limpopo) explained that the final mandate was being delayed by the signature of the Speaker, which was still expected. However, the position of the Limpopo province was in support of the Bill [B16D-2019].

Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature

Ms Mampuru said Mpumalanga voted in support of the Bill without any proposed amendments.

Northern Cape Provincial Legislature

Mr D Stock (ANC, Northern Cape) said the Northern Cape Province voted in support of the Bill without any proposed amendments.

Western Cape Provincial Legislature

Ms T Mpambo-Sibhukwana (DA, Western Cape) said the Western Cape Province voted in support of the Bill without any proposed amendments.

The Chairperson thanked the Members for the mandates and said that there were currently seven provinces in support of the Bill, excluding the Gauteng and North West provinces, though only six approvals were in writing. This was an indication that the Bill was supported by all the provinces.

She gave an opportunity in closing to the legal adviser to make inputs.

Ms Sueanne Isaac, Parliamentary Legal Adviser, said that there was nothing to add as the comments made at the previous meeting had been noted.

The Chairperson informed the Minister that the National Public Health Institute of South Africa Bill [B16B-2019] had the support of the Select Committee on Social Services, and read out the official report of the Committee on it. The report would be read to the House at its next sitting.

The meeting was adjourned.


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