Public Protector Removal Request Report

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Justice and Constitutional Development

19 February 2019
Chairperson: Ms M Mothapo (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Portfolio Committee agreed to postpone the discussion on its draft report on the request to expedite procedures to remove the Public Protector from office by a week, so that members have adequate time to peruse the draft report.

It was further agreed that the Committee would receive a status report briefing from the Ministry on 27 February 2019 on all contracts the Ministry has with Bosasa.

Meeting report

Consideration of Draft Committee Report on Request to Institute Proceedings to Remove Public Protector

The Chairperson informed the Committee that she received a request from some Committee Members asking to postpone the meeting as they were only informed of the agenda yesterday and had not seen the Draft Report.

The Committee agreed that the Draft Report would be sent to Members in the next 24 hours, at the latest, so they can prepare for the Committee’s engagement on Tuesday, 26 February 2019. This would allow for adequate time to peruse the Draft Report.

Draft Committee Programme

The Committee considered its programme for the last term of the current Parliament. It was agreed the Committee would receive a status report briefing from the Ministry on 27 February 2019 on all contracts the Ministry has with Bosasa. Members agreed the matter is urgent, particularly in light of reports about Bosasa’s liquidation and the services Bosasa provides in South Africa’s correctional facilities.

The Committee also plans to deal with the Traditional Courts Bill in March 2019.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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