Electoral Laws Amendment Bill [B33B-2018]: briefing

NCOP Social Services

04 December 2018
Chairperson: Ms L Dlamini (ANC, Mpumalanga)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee had on the 27 November 2018 received a very detailed informal briefing on the Electoral Laws Amendment Bill from the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). The present briefing would cover exactly the same content but the intention of the present meeting was to formalise the briefing by the IEC. The IEC was asked to be as brief as possible as the House would be sitting shortly.

The IEC explained that the Bill sought to amend three pieces of legislation ie the Electoral Commission Act, the Electoral Act and the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act. On sources of data the amendments related to the update of information.

The Chairperson placed the briefing together with the briefing given on 27 November 2018 before the Committee for consideration. The Committee accepted both briefings by the IEC. On the process of the Bill advertisements had already been placed for inputs to be made on the Bill. On 21 December 2018 the Bill would be finalised from the Committee’s side

Meeting report

The Chairperson stated that on the 27 November 2018 the Committee had received a very detailed briefing on the Electoral Laws Amendment Bill. The present briefing would cover exactly the same content but the intention of the present meeting was to formalise the briefing. The briefing on that day had been an informal one. She asked the Commission to be very brief as the House would shortly be sitting. Members would not be debating the Bill in the present meeting. After submissions on the Bill had been received the Bill would be debated by the Committee. The Committee hoped to finalise the Bill on 21 December 2018. The meeting of 21 December 2018 would take place in Gauteng Province.

Ms L Zwane (ANC, Kwa-Zulu Natal) pointed out that members would be starting to enter the House within 20 minutes.

The Chairperson urged the Independent Electoral Commission to keep the briefing as short as possible.

Briefing by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) on the Electoral Laws Amendment Bill

Mr Glen Mashinini, Chairperson, IEC, said that he would accede to the Committee’s request to be brief bearing in mind that the briefing was a repeat of a previous one. The Bill sought to amend three pieces of legislation ie the Electoral Commission Act, the Electoral Act and the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act. On sources of data he said that the amendments related to the update of information. He said that by mid January 2019 he expected everything to have gone through. He concluded by stating that the Bill spoke for itself. As members had wished a summary of a summary had been presented.

The Committee was pleasantly surprised by the concise nature of the briefing. 

The Chairperson placed the briefing together with the briefing given on 27 November 2018 before the Committee for consideration. She proposed that the Committee accept the briefings.

Ms Zwane noted that a full briefing was done on 27 November 2018 and that the present briefing was to formalise things.

The Committee accepted the proposal of the Chairperson. Members accepted the briefings by the IEC.

Ms P Samka-Mququ (ANC, Eastern Cape) asked what the process on the Bill now was.

The Chairperson said that the briefing had now been formalised. Advertisements had already been placed for inputs to be made on the Bill. On 21 December 2018 the Bill would be finalised from the Committee’s side. That was where the Committee’s process on the Bill ended. She reminded members that it was a section 75 Bill. The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) had to still deal with the Bill.   

The meeting was adjourned.


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